@Wrighty just for our competitions, this is what Origin week looks like before trades (number indicates availability, but not necessarily available for that many positions)
Picton Pirates: 12
Vancent's Warriors: 10
No Longer Rookies: 13
Shaun's SJ: 8
Palangi: 12
Ruckus: 12
Sballer7: 12
Pricey: 13
Jonno: 13
Shuffle: 12
Oz Warrior: 5
Worriers: 11
Tyrael: 11
Hoes: 8
Crump: 9
Jaws (this guy is MIA but has 7 and could actually beat
@cero_stars lol)
Ceros: 5
Wrighty: 9
Looks like most people are ready for this Origin round.