Social Wrighty presents Forum Sheep game for 2024 - Round 12 Underway



These games have been successful in the past - I am capping the entrants at 14 so get in quick.
If you have been sitting on the sidelines watching these Wrighty games in the past and thinking I will enter next year then let this be your year.
Each year we have a hoot playing these games. The game thread will be very active. It will give us something to do while we wait for next pre-season to roll around.

This is likely to run over the Christmas Holidays so please enter if you will be either in town or have access to your phone on the holiday.

Executive Summary of 2024 Sheep Forum Game Rules

  1. Participants & Rounds
    • 11 contestants, 23 rounds. Each contestant serves as Round Master for two rounds.
  2. Bidding & War Chest
    • You start with $12M; once spent, it’s gone. No loans, trades, or do-overs.
    • Black Sheep picks (unique bids) grant a $400K refund and bonus.
  3. Qualifying Players
    • Must be test players (since 1980) for England/Great Britain, NZ, Australia, Tonga, or Samoa.
  4. Objective
    • Draft a balanced rugby league team. Final squads will have up to 22 players, and teams will be voted on for the best lineup.
  5. Auction Rounds
    • Each round is EITHER a silent auction (12 hours, invisible bids) or an open auction, as chosen by the Round Master.
    • Each Round Master must host one silent and one open auction across their two turns.
    • Minimum bid: $100K. Bids above $100K must be rounded to the nearest $1K.
    • The Round Master gets a bonus $400K they can only spend in that round.
    • The Round Master will pose a qualifying question for each round such as first names starting with B (example question only)
  6. Sheep Mechanics
    • A unique (Black Sheep) pick earns a $400K bonus.
  7. Rules for Round Masters
    • Must prepare fair questions with at least 17 eligible players.
  8. Tracking & Infringements
    • Maintain an updated running tally of picks and budget.
    • Three infractions result in elimination.
  9. Conduct
    • No collusion, private chats, or negative behavior. Keep gameplay strategic and in good humor.
  10. Final Notes
  • Wrighty reserves the right to modify rules. All moderator decisions are final.

2024 Sheep Forum Game Detailed RULES – by Wrighty

We have 10 contestants. There will be 21 rounds with Wrighty leafing the final round. Each contestant will take a turn as round master for two rounds when it is you turn.
Each contestant gets a bidding war chest. Once you spend it - it is gone. No Loans. No Do overs. Spend Wisely. No trading or selling players to earn back dollars.
Qualifying players are League Players who have played at least one test match since 1980 for England, NZ, or Australia. Tonga, Samoa.
Round master asks a qualifying question and there is one round of silent auction and one round of open auction.
There will be a sheep aspect in that if you bid on someone no one else does not only will you get that player for free but also you will get a $400K refund and bonus. It is called a sheep pick or more accurately a black sheep pick. If the question the round master poses is pick a Canberra Raiders player who also plays tests (and in all questions they must have played tests) then most contestants will be “like sheep” and bid on Meninga if you bid on some lesser player who no one else does or a good player who no one else thinks of it is called picking a black sheep and as mentioned you will get a payout of $400K.

There will be 21 rounds you need to bid in every round or you will be infracted. You can stop bidding in the final few rounds if you have a full squad and are happy with it.

The objective of the game is to pick the best well balanced league team you can ideally with each player in their natural position. We will then having a voting thread at the end to determine the winner. You can’t vote for your own team in the voting thread.

You will be only able to acquire at most 22 players in your squad over the 21 rounds. You will then on voting day pick a top 17 in positions. If the game finishes and you have less than 17 Wrighty will personally assign you some nuffy filler players to round out your 17 Don’t let that happen to you as I won’t give you anyone good (or that terrible) It will be a bland player like Phoenix Crossland for example and yes he is eligible now he has played a test.

How big to make the salary cap or war chest. Let’s go with $12 Million which Is close to the real life NRL salary cap for 2025. That will make money tight in this game and incent people to try for black sheep picks.

The drafting order will be randomised and in reverse snake. If you don’t know what reverse snake is ask and one of the experienced players should be able to help.

I will publish the drafting order for the 21 rounds about two weeks before the game starts so you can start strategizing in earnest.

Oh and an extra nugget the round master for each round gets a bonus $400K that they have to spend or forfeit in that round and is only available to them in that round.

We need a sister thread for everybody to track their picks and keep a running tally of their remaining budget to be updated after each round or you will be infracted. That way I as moderator and all your competitors can see how much money you have left which is valuable intelligence for everyone.

The Auctions – each round master must host both a silent auction round and an open auction draft. You choose which one you will do first.

The Silent Auction will run for 12 hours and you will use an invisible tag that Tajhay will teach everyone how to use so that only myself and tajhay can see your bid. I will announce the winners of the silent draft after the 12 hours are up. You can bid an acquire as many players as you like in a round bearing in mind you have a max of 22 in your squad. Minimum bid is 100K and bids must go up in multiples of 10K after that. If you are the round master you will have a bonus $400K for use just in that round. Bid whatever you like on however many players as you like and the final deduction to your warcherst will be offset by $400K if you spend less than $400K then there will be a zero impact on your war chest rather than being credited the savings. .

Both the silent and open auction will run from between 8am – 10am each morning – whenever the round master makes their post with the question. Please do this by 10am at latest when it is your turn. The silent auction will close 12 hours later as mentioned. There is no advantage for being first to bid.

For both the silent and open auction you can bid on and win as many players as you like in a given round. Just bear in mind you are limited to maximum of 22 players. Just bear in mind that if you acquire a large number of players in the first two or three rounds you might not have any space for good players in your 22 for late round auctions.

The open auction will close approximately 12 hours later. However I am going to program the thread with tajhay’s help to randomly lock at a secret time known only to me during the final hour. This is to stop people from waiting to the last second to gesumpt somebody. Again minimum bid $100K bid. Bids above $100K must be rounded to the nearest $1K. $119,000 is allowed. $119,500 is not.

When you are round master decide what your question is and whether you will initially run your silent auction or your open auction. The next time you are round master you will run the other version of whatever you didn’t do the first time.

When you are choosing a question there must be at least 17 players who meet this criteria or you will be infracted. Be careful on this as the other contestants are knowledgeable and will know and will protest. Do your homework when picking a question. The questions can not be negative or have exceptions in anyway…e.g can not have this question…pick any Canberra Raider except Mal. All the round master questions should be within the spirit of the game. EG no exception clauses (pick any storm player except Cameron Smith is a disallowed question) and no questions with excessive eligible players eg played at least two tests.

Once a player is obtained by a contestant they can not be picked by anyone else. That player can not be given away, traded away, or sold.

Final few rules:

  • If you get infracted three times you get eliminated.
  • No Collusion with other players. If I detect team work going on I will mod kill both of you. This game must be every man or lady for themselves.
  • No chat outside the thread. No PMs. This is critical. If someone approaches you in a chat message YOU MUST TELL ME and I will infract them. If you don’t tell me and I learn of it or suspect I will go straight to three infractions and mod kill both of you.
  • I would prefer questions and protests to the moderator are also in the thread. If it is embarrassing for some strange reason then in rare cases you may PM me but again only me and no one else.
  • Wrighty’s decisions are final and I reserve the right to change the rules as suited.
  • You are all New Zealanders so be easy and good natured during this game even you get stung. And what I mean by this is that this could get very strategic and you could get played by someone. If that happens wear it on the chin and play on and take it in good humour.
  • No trading players, and no selling players to other contestants
  • Bids are final unless you immediately change your mind within five minutes before anyone else posts.
  • No deleting posts. Please post a correction of what you meant to say and or apologise etc.
  • In the event of a tied bid in the silent auction nobody gets that player. You are encouraged to bid exacting amounts like $367,000 rather than $400,000 to avoid this noting that bids must be noted to the nearest $1,000.
  • This game will be easier for those who have played before. But think it through and try to have a strategy. Have your wits about you. And Good Luck.
  • If Bids are tied in the Silent Auction no one will get that player. No tie bids in the open auction.
  • Black sheep rule only applies to the silent auction.


Round Master Order

  1. Tyrael Complete
  2. Mr Brownstone Complete
  3. Muddogz Complete
  4. Inruin Complete
  5. Cces Complete
  6. Defence Complete
  7. Wrighty Round Complete
  8. BillySpleen Complete
  9. Naumai Footy Complete
  10. Boats n Hoes Complete
  11. Wizards Rage Complete
12 Wizards Rage
13 Boats n Hoes
14 Naumai Footy
15 BillySpleen
16 Defence
17 Cces
18 Inruin
19 Muddogz
20 Mr Brownstone
21 Tyrael
Last edited:
Sign Up Sheet

Moderator Wrighty
1 Mr Brownstone
Sign Up Sheet

Moderator Wrighty
1 Mr Brownstone
2 Inruin
Sign Up Sheet

Moderator Wrighty
1 Mr Brownstone
2 Inruin
3 Naumai Footy
Wrighty may be new to League but he's an old hand organizing these games and there always fun.

Plus it's a long off season, as recently new empty nesters what are my options? Play an online game over summer or spend every waking moment pandering to Mrs BnH?

Sign me up Wrighty!
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Yes I can see it tajhay

However when I was logged out I could see a message that said tajhsy has posted a message that you need to be logged in to see or words to that effect
Sign Up Sheet

Moderator Wrighty
1 Mr Brownstone
2 Inruin
3 Naumai Footy
4 Boats n Hoes
5 Tyrael
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.