Social ðŸ†š NZWarriors NRLFantasy Competiton 2024

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Cobbo playing origin..
He could be a player that backs up. I had a look at what I could get and it's Isaako that isn't Origin. His BE is really high.
The other choice is Mariner but his scores are up and down

I dunno man. I feel like I've tried really hard since my rant several weeks ago and I haven't even gotten 1 win.
Bro, at the end of the day this is all about YOUR fun and it sounds like you've had a stink few weeks with fantasy.

Fuck it, go for the win haha.

I'm not sure about how high Isaacos BE is but you'd have to fancy him getting a try or two today. Could be a masterstroke...
Yeah everyone’s situation dif bro, go for it if ya want
I think you should go for it too. Don't worry about Break evens. Go for the most points the person will score. Just get this skin.
don't get Isaako he is a dolphin and by memory you need he dolphins to do badly today for you to win.
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