Pick Your Team Warriors v Broncos - [Round 17, 2024]

1 Tauapiki
5 Setu Tu/Palakasi
9 Egan
10 Ford
11 Barnett
12 Niukore
13 Walker

14 Capewell
15 Ale
16 Zyon Maiu’u
17 Laban

No real 14 as CHT covers it all and Walker goes to 6 then Ale to 13.

Sick of our "good" players.
I like this team!! Good balance of youth and speed and experience. We cant stick with what hasng been working for 6-7 weeks now excluding the 3 window where we beat the panthers, phins and cowboys!!


Webster has identified that speed is an issue that we lack and that the Titans had, before the match and after the match - so this is something that we will hopefully see more of in the team

The entire game yesterday the team looked flat, almost as if they expected to win by turning up.
Webster has identified that speed is an issue that we lack and that the Titans had, before the match and after the match - so this is something that we will hopefully see more of in the team

The entire game yesterday the team looked flat, almost as if they expected to win by turning up.
We seriously need an injection of youth before our younguns say f this & want out.
Against the Tits would have been an opportunity.Tough call against Broncos but has to be done.
They had all the things we lack.Speed, energy,youth enthusiasm.
Morale is my specialty. One of the most underrated yet important tenets of warfare. If TEAM morale is high, unhappy individuals get ostracised. If team morale is low, unhappy individuals poison the group.

Team morale is built upon success and the belief that it can be achieved. Its not built on giving a bloke game time so he doesnt cry like a bitch. The only reason a team is formed is to achieve a task.
Do you know who this unhappy sulky bitch poisoning the group is?
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Do you know who this unhappy sulky bitch poisoning the group is?

I think he's more referring to the action of pandering to egos. Broncos this year look like they also might be having issues along this line.

To me, the issue is that there's a huge focus around playing our 'star' players when they deem themselves to be ready. My arguments have always tried to focus on the group as a whole, identifying consistent strengths and weaknesses, and picking the key playmaker roles based on the players that can utilise said strengths/minimise said weaknesses.

To me, we don't need a myriad of 'star' players. To me, we need players that know their jobs, don't get frustrated and are lead by a halves pairing who know how to utilise them effectively.

Last nights game, to me, highlighted that the playing group don't trust each other to do their job. The key is figuring out why and not getting emotional when people are put on the chopping block.
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