Agreed, pretty disgusting the disrespect here shown towards club legends like SJ and Tohu.
Questioning performance and wether the'yve still got the legs for first grade is fine and understandable imo.....particulary based on this seasons displays.
The doubts and speculation over their personal characters and how some forumers have even convinced themselves to believe that someone they've never met doesnt give a shit about the club or trying actively to sow disharmony behind the scenes just staggers me tbh.
They may be past it, may not, may be in poor form. But these guys have bled and given their all for the club over a long period of time. Tohu might not be able to create the ruck speed or cover ground like he once used to, but lets not forget for several seasons now he's pretty much fucked his body up having to do all the tidy up work to cover some of his lazy arse team mates or the youngsters that everyones crying out for who have still yet to develop that sort of engine......and successive coaches have played him 80 minutes with injury when they know they shouldve rested him cause they could rely on him to lock things down even under fatigue and while others were fading....i have no doubt this has all caught up with him now.
For a supposed prima donna who has his tits in a tangle cause Te Maire is shaping as the go to player now, as Webster and his team mates have stated in his comeback before the Storm game, went to the team and told them dont change what your doing, Te Maire can run the show i'll just play support.......yep clearly the rotten apple behind the scenes

.......please....SJ has too much love for the club to want to bring it down from the inside, and im sure if his body no longer allows him to reach the required standard he wont need to be pushed.
The criticisms over the formulated style of game he's playing or wether his game gels with TMM or not are warrented and worthy of debate imo, same as the doubts over Tohu no longer being able to create ruck speed severely lacking his and the teams impact.......and if changes need to be made because of this so be it......but it sure as hell wont be because of ridiculous conspiracy theories or some nasty personal attacks........usually from the uninformed or people who have never laced a boot or played any decent competitive sport in their lives.