My bias is wanting width across the park to stretch teams coast to coast.
So I strongly favor him being on the left....where our weakness lies.
We are so good on the right, so stacked, that we score at will, with or without a Roger Tuivasa Sheck. So for mine that is overkill.
I get why fans would want RTS and SJ together, I really do. Yes that would be lethal.
But Rocco is a right center, and a very good one potentially, people need to remember that the Warriors best attacking years were when they stacked a Monster called
Manu Vatuvei away from SJs side.
If RTS on the left becomes as problematic as the beast was on the left, then given how strong the right is, we would finally have that dream matrix that
Daniel Anderson had, the ole 'unpredictable Warriors attack you from everywhere'.