Laban performed 10x better in the All Stars match than Marata has for the whole 2024 season and this game.
Playing for 51 minutes
- 26 tackles with only one miss, being involved whenever an opportunity presented itself.
- The duel for the highest tackle efficiency (for players with over 3 tackles) in that game.
- 0 errors.
- Although he only got 5 runs, he made 4 tackle breaks.
- Makes 10.8 meters per run, whereas Marata is making 7.5 (Riki, in the same game, is only making 6).
This is not based on a trial game either—this is (in my biased opinion) a club-level match.
Now, I hope he was not added to the bench due to injury or recovering from the All Stars match. But I think that second row needs to change—I'd argue even Capes needs to be looked at for moving down to the bench if he performs like that again. Laban, Halasima, and Vaimauga all look better, make fewer errors, and have a much higher ceiling.
If Webster holds onto this second-row composition without some big change and this repeats more than once—i.e., we get the same list in round 3—then it's hard to have any faith. (Understandable to me that you may want to give people one more chance... I would rather not, but eh.)
No idea why Marata is treated differently from Montoya here. We even have proven young talent that he is taking up space with.
*edited to fix formatting and spelling to not hurt people's eyes.