While we're coming up with scenarios I've got 1 myself. Taking into account everything I've heard on social media and everything that's played out since last season etc. I believe he has a highly influential (to him) person in his ear not related to NRL. I think you guys can all figure out who she is

I'm sure we've all had a friend or associate with a partner everyone else Snickers about

This is the only thing that would make sense for him to have signed a contract extension at the warriors, ask for an immediate release sometime later to move back to Sydney on compassionate grounds (public story was family member is sick, which I think is true but only part of the reason) and then agreeing to see out this season at the warriors.
If this is the case I am sympathetic to him as I'm sure he knows or hears what people are saying about him and could be trying his best to stick to his commitment but personal/at home issues aren't making it easy especially with children involved.
Before people say I've gone off the deep end, I don't deny that

but just for context his wife has publicly posted negative comments about the warriors when he didn't win the club award last year and about Manly when he was leaving there.