I still remember the day I realized my first born had surpassed me intellectually. He was eighteen at the time. It was a really weird feeling - pride (obviously) and uncertainty, I realized I needed to adjust my communication style as a parent, or our relationship would not flourish.....space would come between us.....the generation gap is a cliche but that is exactly what was happening....I realized I no longer had the mortgage on wisdom, that I was going to have to hand over that comforting power a parent has, the role of a teacher, a guide, a mentor.
It was unnerving, and it took me some time to be natural and comfortable in the new relationship with my kid.
Now I long for the time when my kids generation are in control of this country. I long for their empathic, wise, careful, sensitive, pragmatic, and most of all emotional intelligence to get us to the next plain of existence....enlightenment.
And yes....it is their exposure to all of the world through the internet and their intelligence, their street smarts, and their ability to join the global community of thinkers that makes them a different species from us.
Someone said knowledge is power, but is also nourishment of the being of man/woman/preferred pronoun. Excuse the esoteric rant, I just agree with what you have said and it reminds me of my brats.