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Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

I can’t see him doing much. He likes to work hard, but only in the 4 months before each election

My guess / hope is that he does his usual party trick of going into hibernation until the next cycle
I get the feeling all these name changes and a different direction from the Maori agency labels etc is going to be right up his alley.
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Mate, your taking it all to seriously

Go spend some time in the league threads 😁
Good advice.

But that's the thing though Wiz, sadly it is serious. Deadly serious. Within two days there are already a multitude of policies that will have a hugely negative outcomes for those that can't afford it, the poorest, race relations, housing, public health for years if not decades to come.

The only winners are their backers and the self interest of the respective politicians.

Good advice.

But that's the thing though Wiz, sadly it is serious. Deadly serious. Within two days there are already a multitude of policies that will have a hugely negative outcomes for those that can't afford it, the poorest, race relations, housing, public health for years if not decades to come.

The only winners are their backers and the self interest of the respective politicians.

View attachment 4533
The country is in the shit now mate. You obviously don't like the new government, I get it, but even you admit the last lot were a disaster. There are just to many fundamental areas going backwards and too much bad spending after bad spending.
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The country is in the shit now mate. You obviously don't like the new government, I get it, but even you admit the last lot were a disaster. There are just to many fundamental areas going backwards and too much bad spending after bad spending.
And the regression is about to continue sadly 😥
The country is in the shit now mate. You obviously don't like the new government, I get it, but even you admit the last lot were a disaster. There are just to many fundamental areas going backwards and too much bad spending after bad spending.
Your opinion of course, and I'm making mine clear obviously. And Labour absolutely squandered their chances.

Let's not forget covid and climate change.

But whatever has happened, what we've seen in the last three days is definitely not the answer, and definitely regressive in ways we haven't seen since the early 90s.
Your opinion of course, and I'm making mine clear obviously. And Labour absolutely squandered their chances.

Let's not forget covid and climate change.

But whatever has happened, what we've seen in the last three days is definitely not the answer, and definitely regressive in ways we haven't seen since the early 90s.
Not forgetting COVID at all. The spending, borrowing and lack of results in all key areas outside of that will cost the country for a very long time. Another 3 years of non-delivery would have broken us.

Time will tell the effectiveness or not of this new crowd, but we definitely need a circuit breaker to get back on track (in my opinion). It's not going to be easy.
I actually fear we’re heading for failure but it’s from both sides.

We used to have a single income provider able to support a family plus pay off a house.

Now everyone works longer hours than ever and can’t afford a house let alone the homelessness, poverty, falling education, etc.

Again it’s a bigger picture around population, spread of resources and if urbanism and higher density actually benefits everyone.

It’s a worldwide issue that’s bigger than left/ right politics
Wiz - where are you on AI? E/acc, concerned about ex risk, or in between?
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Wiz - where are you on AI? E/acc, concerned about ex risk, or in between?
I’m strongly of the belief technology and ai will solve a lot of the worlds problems around climate change, scientific advancement, enhanced food production and solve poverty to make us all better off. But I see it a long way off and with human nature, as our needs are met, we will just demand more and more and always feel we don’t have enough.

Ai definitely has its advantages - I call on it sometimes at work - but it’s way above my comprehension to fully understand any existential threat. It is scary how much it can ‘understand’ and could potentially outwit us. But like a Pandora’s box, once it’s unleashed is there any way of holding it back?

Personally I don’t worry to much. It’s like with the threat of nuclear war, it’s out of my control so no point stressing to much about it.
Wiz - where are you on AI? E/acc, concerned about ex risk, or in between?
I am very worried about accelerating this entity that transcends our evolutionary biology, based on what appear to be assumptions about principles of entropy and thermodynamics that I'm not convinced anyone can objectively grasp the implications of, especially in memes. I'm no physicist, but what's the big hurry Fonz?
I’m strongly of the belief technology and ai will solve a lot of the worlds problems around climate change, scientific advancement, enhanced food production and solve poverty to make us all better off. But I see it a long way off and with human nature, as our needs are met, we will just demand more and more and always feel we don’t have enough.

Ai definitely has its advantages - I call on it sometimes at work - but it’s way above my comprehension to fully understand any existential threat. It is scary how much it can ‘understand’ and could potentially outwit us. But like a Pandora’s box, once it’s unleashed is there any way of holding it back?

Personally I don’t worry to much. It’s like with the threat of nuclear war, it’s out of my control so no point stressing to much about it.
Re your critique of the Auckland city rail loop

The loop unlocks capacity
The capacity to run lots of extra trains
The opportunity to carry more passengers and take cars off Auckland chronically congested roads
Electric trains which can run on renewable energy

Any city of a certain size has an underground loop line Sydney/ Melbourne to name two.

I wouldn’t worry about what accountants are saying but projecting yesterdays revenue numbers

Patronage will exceed their calculators total

Glad to help
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I am very worried about accelerating this entity that transcends our evolutionary biology, based on what appear to be assumptions about principles of entropy and thermodynamics that I'm not convinced anyone can objectively grasp the implications of, especially in memes. I'm no physicist, but what's the big hurry Fonz?
And that’s before we even consider the near-term impacts on the amateur podcasting sector…
Outsider looking in:

Background - born and bred kiwi, havn't lived for 20+ years, chooses not to vote in any election.

1: Reversing the smoking ban for short term gain is ludicrous. The long term benefits which would include cost savings to the country are potentially massive.

2: your cost of living crisis is out of control - my daughter is a teacher in Auckland, sends me pictures of prices for fresh fruit and vegies - madness, why does it cost so much?

3: When it comes to political parties, no mater what their hue, I'm shocked I tell you, shocked that voters think parties would change their ethos. Nats are always about right leaning/business first/worker last policies. Labour are the opposite. unfortunately I think the days of a happy medium are gone.

4: It's intersting how you would think a coalition would have the best interests of all kiwis, so it will be an intersting few months to see what happens.
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