Current Affairs Fake News Stories in the NZ Herald!

It often amazes me the absolute BS news stories I see everyday. So, yesterday, when I saw this story about the Kiwi bird at Osaka zoo, I thought I would share some truth.
A Kiwi is on display in a bright, non-soundproof enclosure in a Japanese zoo, and a New Zealand tourist isn’t happy.

Newshub reported on Saturday the concerns of the tourist after she visited Tennoji Zoo in Osaka."

Now I must say that Tennoji zoo is not a super lovely, or wonderful condition zoo. But! the story is a load of BS! The kiwis are in a nocturnal animal section of the zoo, and it is dark! They are not in bright sunlight, like the Herald story is stating. Plus the twitter link in the herald story is from 2016!

The infrared picture is taken by me with my iphone. I have seen this with my own eyes! The Herald is lying to you!

dont worry, as NZers we’ll all get outraged about that or some other bullshit overseas while we kick the living shit out of the dog we got the kids two christmases ago for barking too much but also expect to deter the repo man from coming and taking the shit we didn’t need and can’t pay for that we should never have been able to borrow for anyway.

better living everyone,
what a time to be alive.
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