Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


More enabling of the tobacco lobby's wishes. Come on, take the blinkers off. Conscience should apply here
Tell me why the previous government was so inactive on this and yet the new coalition isn't? Conscience should be involved - across the political spectrum. Vaping is a massive issue with our youth.
The previous government was pathetic, agreed, but probably for different reasons in our respective opinions
Hey, this coalition may be compromised by big tobacco, but it appears they are going even further than what was proposed a couple of months ago by labour around vaping. That's a good thing isn't it? Or do you think they should be doing more?
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Hey, this coalition maybe be compromised by big tobacco, but it appears they are going even further than what was proposed a couple of months ago by labour around vaping. That's a good thing isn't it? Or do you think they should be doing more?
It's not an either or. Any smoking products are poison and have a negative outcome for all except those that profit off it. And the health costs are socialised. FFS there's 100 years of history, this shouldn't even be being debated.

I have an immediate relative who was bedridden for 6 years and then died of emphysema directly from tobacco smoking. That and vaping are highly addictive poisons.

It's corrupt. And this isn't the only industry this coalition is beholden too. Fuck them.
It's not an either or. Any smoking products are poison and have a negative outcome for all except those that profit off it. And the health costs are socialised. FFS there's 100 years of history, this shouldn't even be being debated.

I have an immediate relative who was bedridden for 6 years and then died of emphysema directly from tobacco smoking. That and vaping are highly addictive poisons.

It's corrupt. And this isn't the only industry this coalition is beholden too. Fuck them.
I think we are in agreement there. Just trying to understand your comments around vaping and the coalition being compromised when they appear to be doing a lot more than what has happened in the previous 6 years
I think we are in agreement there. Just trying to understand your comments around vaping and the coalition being compromised when they appear to be doing a lot more than what has happened in the previous 6 years
Yeah, something I do feel strongly about. Anyways, as always I think my time limit has been reached on nzw for the day :)
Not to mention not even addressing climate change this election, in fact going backwards.
Interesting that the minister for the environment and the minister for climate change are sitting outside cabinet. Did James Shaw sit outside cabinet this term? I do think there needs to be a more measured approach to transitioning to a climate friendly economy. I actually think Luxon is going to do ok in this space. Certainly not going to be a Greens drop everything and do it now style approach though!
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More young people vaping than ever smoked - be surprised if that's true.
Potentially worse health outcomes - highly debatable.
It's an interesting one and not sure what the long term impact is going to be. Guy at work switched from smoking to vaping as a healthier alternative but has gone from having a smoke every two or three hours to taking a puff every 5-10 minutes. Smoking appears worse for you but vaping is more accessible, convenient and you can take a quick puff and move on. Both aren't great options
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Really disappointed for the reinstatement of live export by ship.
Progressive policy is decried as communism and demonised and we're left with this regression to some mythical land and time where man ruled beast and resources are eternal, where we can somehow do what the fuck we like and not have to reap the consequences, politically, economically, culturally and ecologically.

A time that never actually existed. It's selfish policy from self interest that is targeted at flooding wealth upwards and the rest of us get landed with the consequences. It's backwards, regressive, self interested and symptomatic of the the utterly bereft ideology that is neoliberalism. An utterly destructive, poisonous form of capitalism.

And I'm not against capitalism. Just this shitpile that has resulted in the cult of the billionaire, where being "individual" has resulted in the rise of the far right and is sending us down paths we've been before.
It's an interesting one and not sure what the long term impact is going to be. Guy at work switched from smoking to vaping as a healthier alternative but has gone from having a smoke every two or three hours to taking a puff every 5-10 minutes. Smoking obviously worse for you but vaping is more accessible, convenient and you can take a quick puff and move on. Both aren't great options
Yeah we could have an epidemic of popcorn lungs in 10 years, remains to be seen but crazy to risk it. Make vapes prescription only for smoking cessation. Same with tobacco actually, doctors used to recommend it.
So after a day of lefties trying to attack the incoming governments policies it seems there is nothing to complain about in health, education, tax, the economy or crime. Great result in the areas that matter with solid policy.

It’s going to be a good period, when even the lefties agree to changes to policy in the important areas.

Good chance to be positive about our future when the worst we had yesterday was returning smoking laws to how they were 6 months ago.

If they can focus on their own areas and Winston doesn’t implode the govt, we could have some good things happening to turn the ship around again over the next 3 years.
Personally on the cigarettes the ambition of eliminating smoking was an idiologically great idea but had many negative unintended consequences.

Making something people are addicted to hard to get and so expensive it’s crippling, drive poverty, poor dependant child outcomes and leads to crime.

I support a slow phase out addressing the underlying causes mainly through socially stigmatising it and pushing the health effects, which has been working.

It’s the same as the road to zero, anti car or minimum wage increases faster than inflation ideas. Great in theory but the unintended consequences of forcing things faster than natural causes all sorts of negative unintended flow on effects.
I am just wondering here, whether our forumers who support this Govt are nervous in the face of the radical backward steps in health with smoking goes?
Given we all know this is being driven by a sell out to Global Tobacco?
Honestly, are any of you people who voted for this lot not concerned at all?
Or are you a bit worried?
Head in the sand? or some conscience twinges?
Not an issue for me.
Everyone knows the health problems related to smoking so if they decide to go ahead that is their choice. I think it was Helen Clark that really focused on lowering smoking rates mainly via regular increasing of taxes and that has had some effect. However, vaping seems to be overtaking smoking, especially among the young, so I don't see the policy being that successful, at least not till punters find a cheaper alternative.
Personally, I feel it is the individuals right to smoke if they choose. Just the same as ones right to choose what they eat and drink, that is junk food, sugar drinks and alcohol.
Smoking is much more common in Europe and Asia than here and socially accepted. They leave it to the individual to make the choice as we should.
Just googling Mike King Gumboot Friday should give pause for thought on the charity. It's not very rosy.

Which other charities are embroiled in such negative public sentiment and get singled out for $6m of funding?
One thing out of that original article that was missed by the Nat supporters is that the charity was susceptible to abuse. Counselors can charge whatever they want (some were charging up to $300 an hour) but worse than that was the fact anyone could go make claims without any checks. That wasn't the exact wording but it was the gist of it and I'm too lazy to go back to the original post and reread the article 😁.
That was what the original poster was pointing out I believe it was conventionally ignored.
So after a day of lefties trying to attack the incoming governments policies it seems there is nothing to complain about in health, education, tax, the economy or crime. Great result in the areas that matter with solid policy.

It’s going to be a good period, when even the lefties agree to changes to policy in the important areas.

Good chance to be positive about our future when the worst we had yesterday was returning smoking laws to how they were 6 months ago.

If they can focus on their own areas and Winston doesn’t implode the govt, we could have some good things happening to turn the ship around again over the next 3 years.
Is this satire?
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