Here’s the answer to many of our issues.
spend on a GDP basis on health, infrastructure, education, etc is appropriate, we don’t have austerity, the last budget increased spending on those key areas. We’re running a huge govt deficit so actually spending unsustainably. And yet we all know on all those issues we are in crisis and it’s been building for decades.
What’s the issue if you can’t spend more?
Clue is in the
spending to GDP. Increase the GDP part. So obvious.
Norway has a $5m population like us. Their GDP is double ours ($579b US vs our $248b US)
That means with the same tax rate, and percentage spend on a GDP basis, the govt has double to spend on health, education, infrastructure, etc per person. Read that again and really understand it because it solves everything…
Imaging our health budget doubled…. THAT is our problem exposed so obviously.
I’ve said it for a long time. We need a huge increase in productivity and output in our country. Grow the pie and all our problems fix themselves. It feeds into higher wages, better social services, better infrastructure, etc.
I tire of all the people squabbling over how to divide the pie and wanting more taxes while at the same time supporting anti business policies.
If you are logically minded then National's aim to double the economy in 10 years is the best outcome for Health we can hope for (ie double health spend, doubled wages, etc.). A lot better than Labours taxing us 10% more and make us more miserable while only increasing the health budget by 10%. We will be in the same position as now fighting over dividing the pie in a future under Labour.
Spend based on GDP’s solution is so obviously to grow the GDP side.
National will set an ambitious target to double the value of exports in ten years to help rebuild the economy so all New Zealanders can get ahead.