Think of it like the milkman. When everyone on the street buys milk, its profitable for the milkman, because he has to make the drive regardless. Now if only half they street buys milk, his revenue is halved but fixed operating costs remain the same. (the same drive). Now imagine that half that doesnt buy, they all have a cow, because a cow makes milk for free. If you need lots of milk 24/7 then 1 cow isnt very efficient. So you start calling on the milkman on-demand. The issue here is the milkman never knows how much milk to take on his run,. too much and it spoils, not enough and people run out.Do you mean it would destroy profitability for the electricity retail companies? Or the network itself? Explain.
Now imagine politicians advocating for more milking herds and for everyone to have a cow too. Problem is milk goes off so now govt has to buy everyone a fridge (analogy is a shit fight but stay with it).