Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


The last 6 years hasn't worked. Immigration and Net migration (excluding COVID years) has been higher already so we are already seeing that. Immigration is needed for the country. $60 on groceries already been clarified and explained but keep holding on to that 🙄
Immigration certainly necessary but in reality bad for wage growth.
he personally spends $60 on a few breakfast and lunch items when in Wellington. Damn politician actually answered the question precisely. Did say that his family spends easily $300-$400 on groceries
Luxon lives on a few breakfast and lunch items when in Wellington? Must believe in fasting.
Luxon lives on a few breakfast and lunch items when in Wellington? Must believe in fasting.
Sorry he did say he grabs meals on the run a lot which is why he only spends around $60 on groceries. He also believes in dinosaurs.
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Not to sound like Liz Gunn, but what are we going to do about the elite 0.01% rapidly accumulating 90% of the global wealth while the 1% (us) live relatively comfortably exploiting the other 98.99%?

Heard that the other day, anyone know if those stats are real?
Not to sound like Liz Gunn, but what are we going to do about the elite 0.01% rapidly accumulating 90% of the global wealth while the 1% (us) live relatively comfortably exploiting the other 98.99%?

Heard that the other day, anyone know if those stats are real?
For me I’m at the point where nothing is going to change, so I’m going to try change my own circumstances & not worry about what I can’t control. It’s shit, but this is how societies have worked since the dawn of time. A wealth tax would probably help, but labour were too chicken to go ahead. It actually might’ve favourably helped their campaign. A capital gains tax would help, but this will never get through. It’s just luck. You’re born into wealth, or you’re not. And if you’re not, you have to work extra hard. I don’t necessarily want that type of wealth anyway. I want an opportunity to buy a home, no debt, & enough money to go ok holidays regularly, and look after my parents. I’m trying to achieve that now & I will, but very slowly. I wasn’t born into wealth. But I’m not going to compare to others, it’s a losing battle & theft of joy
Actually correct me if I'm wrong but if I remember rightly the Muldoon Govt signed over all oil exploration and drilling rights to foreign interests back in the 70s. Which I believe still stands today and if that's the case NZ gets nothing...
Was a take or pay deal which meant they had to take a fixed amount of gas for a fixed amount of dollars annually.. Defintiely in Shell BP and Todd's favour initially but as the Maui field watered down it became harder to maintain that amount and the penalties were severe. Hence Maui B and Pohokura were drilled. The contract was I think 30 years from late 70's, so long gone. Methanex was restarted after mothballing on the basis gas would be available. More gas goes there than power generation unless there's peak demand. Domestic gas use here is about 2-3% of production.

From memory I think royalties on all production here are around 40% So not to be sneezed at.

The problem became, once Jacinda did her moment of glory is that the exploration arms all quietly closed their boos for this part of the world. Not because of any lack of prospects but because of the lack of political surety. They could invest billions over the term of one govt only to have it evaporate for no return under another.

As an aside, OMV which owns/runs Maui, Pohokura and the Maari field is looking to get out as soon as a buyer can be found.
I think this election highlighted we’re sick of the political elite thinking they know better than everyone else and it shows that those with these sort of thoughts are really out of step with real New Zealand.
Not sure how this differs from the incoming? Good luck to the incoming government though, they represent me, you and all of us now. Let’s hope they bring us all for the ride and not a select few. Still feel like if the election was a fortnight away with how nationals polling dropping as the night went on, we’d potentially have seen labour hold on for another term. That early momentum got national home and everything past Hipkins having covid was a labour resurgence. With such an anti labour sentiment it really shows just how wary people are of the incoming government, they should have taken the 50% that labour held last election I would have thought.
I was joining the chorus of people wondering why National and Act don't just get of their butts and form a new government now instead of waiting about while NZ is in the mdist of a financal crisis until someone explained that Luxon can't go to the governor general until all the specials have been counted and the "official" results have been issued.

Anyway, it's not like we don't have a government at the moment.... Labour and the Greens are still in charge until the governor general accepts the new paperwork.
Democracy has spoken.

I think this election highlighted we’re sick of the political elite thinking they know better than everyone else and it shows that those with these sort of thoughts are really out of step with real New Zealand.

Keep thinking the public is wrong and it will be 9 more years in the wilderness 🤣
What a truly stupid assumption to take from the election results....

Do you actually know what the theory of the politic elite actually is?
Maybe go look that up and give yourself an uppercut.

The result wasn't even that much of a rout - 1.2m votes right to 850k votes left - with a low turn out.

You're really on a tear for stupid posts at the moment.
Not sure how this differs from the incoming? Good luck to the incoming government though, they represent me, you and all of us now. Let’s hope they bring us all for the ride and not a select few. Still feel like if the election was a fortnight away with how nationals polling dropping as the night went on, we’d potentially have seen labour hold on for another term. That early momentum got national home and everything past Hipkins having covid was a labour resurgence. With such an anti labour sentiment it really shows just how wary people are of the incoming government, they should have taken the 50% that labour held last election I would have thought.
Also there's the "Luxon effect"...... I think more people would have voted for National if they had another leader. It will be interesting how people perceive him as an anti-gay, anti-abortion Conservative next election if he doesn't use his position to lead a change on gay rights or abortion.
What a truly stupid assumption to take from the election results....

Do you actually know what the theory of the politic elite actually is?
Maybe go look that up and give yourself an uppercut.

The result wasn't even that much of a rout - 1.2m votes right to 850k votes left - with a low turn out.

You're really on a tear for stupid posts at the moment.
What's the number of total votes (including specials) from this Election compared to 2020? I suspect it's lower but by how many?
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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