Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

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My eye opening moment from last night:

Seymour and the female ACT woman flanked by 2 security guards the whole night.

There have been serious threat against ACT…

We’ve never had that in our politics in NZ. Even the DPS we’re giving the main parties leaders a lot of space!
Complete lies. Jacinda was threatened countless times. Usually by beta right wing males that can’t handle a strong capable female
John Key had numerous threats made against him also. Unfortunately it's become a commonplace issue in NZ whether it's the PM, MPs or candidates running for parliament. It's a sad indictment on our society as a whole.
Yep, sadly we are becoming more and more like America everyday. We are so divided and becoming more dived.
Just wait till act force their referendum on the treaty and all progress made over the last 30 years gets destroyed. It will lead to major racial divisions and it’s going to be awful.
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I don't know, I just heard a nationally known journalist say "gay not gay partner" so read what you may into that.

Also according to Google's Bard, Chris Hipkins is openly gay.

Why I would feel sorry for him if he is gay and has come out that is a very difficult thing for him to do in his position.

He descries his wife as his best friend, so if he has a new squeeze that sounds interesting to say the least.

To me it doesn't matter what he is
It does matter to you otherwise you wouldn’t make 2 posts today and a few last night on this subject.

So that you can get back to American politics Hopkins new partner is female!!!!
NZ squandered the GSB. Plus worlds largest unexplored oceans just to NZs east

Actually correct me if I'm wrong but if I remember rightly the Muldoon Govt signed over all oil exploration and drilling rights to foreign interests back in the 70s. Which I believe still stands today and if that's the case NZ gets nothing...
Actually correct me if I'm wrong but if I remember rightly the Muldoon Govt signed over all oil exploration and drilling rights to foreign interests back in the 70s. Which I believe still stands today and if that's the case NZ gets nothing...
The Government has rights to all petroleum and minerals in New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone. The Crown Minerals Act 1991 (CMA), and its associated regulations, governs the allocation rights to these resources and is administered by NZP&M

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Nat/Act govt (Nzs Torries really) ... just like the poms .... trickle down tax cuts, mass immigration . good grief.. been there done that it doesn't work...
I suppose groceries will cost $60 per week now...
The last 6 years hasn't worked. Immigration and Net migration (excluding COVID years) has been higher already so we are already seeing that. Immigration is needed for the country. $60 on groceries already been clarified and explained but keep holding on to that 🙄
The Government has rights to all petroleum and minerals in New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone. The Crown Minerals Act 1991 (CMA), and its associated regulations, governs the allocation rights to these resources and is administered by NZP&M

OK then that raises another point.. its common practice around the world for big companies to tender for the rights to explore and drill... however the catch is they will not sell or share the technology to extract and refine instead they build the drill sites refineries pay govts a fee and provide jobs for the locals. Which is only a very small percentage of profits that end up going overseas.... happens everywhere the poor country with the resources just gets bent over....
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OK then that raises another point.. its common practice around the world for big companies to tender for the rights to explore and drill... however the catch is they will not sell or share the technology to extract and refine instead they build the drill sites refineries pay govts a fee and provide jobs for the locals. Which is only a very small percentage of profits that end up going overseas.... happens everywhere...
Happens in Western countries.
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Hadn’t seen that, what was the outcome?
Luxon fucked up but don’t let any clarification fool you
he personally spends $60 on a few breakfast and lunch items when in Wellington. Damn politician actually answered the question precisely. Did say that his family spends easily $300-$400 on groceries
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