Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


Weren't the Wall St bailouts an act of central planning to prevent the capitalist system from collapsing? The whole house of cards is a throne of lies.
I don’t believe in unbridled capitalism. There must be checks and balances. I don’t believe health and education can be privatised for the masses. We must have police and authorities to curb excess.
Are you saying some people are more equal than others?
Everyone has equal opportunity (almost😉) but outcomes are dependant on what we as individuals achieve.
I don’t believe in unbridled capitalism. There must be checks and balances. I don’t believe health and education can be privatised for the masses. We must have police and authorities to curb excess.

Everyone has equal opportunity (almost😉) but outcomes are dependant on what we as individuals achieve.
If everyone has equal opportunities why is there a border crisis in the US, why aren't they staying home enjoying their equal opportunities
One of the worst legacies that Ardern, Robertson and Hipkins has left us with is an entitlement mentality

NZers all want nice shiny things, but want other people to pay for them

Light Rail
Dunedin Hospital
Better roads

The list goes on

The “tax cuts” aren’t tax cuts. They are the reinstatement of deductibility of expenses, to be in line with other businesses. This doesn’t cost you or me or the government anything. You aren’t paying for them

If you are unhappy that National is now telling you that you no longer get to have these shiny things that some people don’t want to pay for, then:

1. reassess how they are funded (eg privatisation) or
2. reassess whether you still want them

Seriously man, the entitlement that people feel for other peoples’ money is staggering

I’m not a landlord. But I don’t expect them to fund things that I want
One of the worst legacies that Ardern, Robertson and Hipkins has left us with is an entitlement mentality

NZers all want nice shiny things, but want other people to pay for them

Light Rail
Dunedin Hospital
Better roads

The list goes on

The “tax cuts” aren’t tax cuts. They are the reinstatement of deductibility of expenses, to be in line with other businesses. This doesn’t cost you or me or the government anything. You aren’t paying for them

If you are unhappy that National is now telling you that you no longer get to have these shiny things that some people don’t want to pay for, then:

1. reassess how they are funded (eg privatisation) or
2. reassess whether you still want them

Seriously man, the entitlement that people feel for other peoples’ money is staggering

I’m not a landlord. But I don’t expect them to fund things that I want
Hard right viewpoint here. Speaking of entitlement your entire comment reads like parody. Hopefully it is
One of the worst legacies that Ardern, Robertson and Hipkins has left us with is an entitlement mentality

NZers all want nice shiny things, but want other people to pay for them

Light Rail
Dunedin Hospital
Better roads

The list goes on

The “tax cuts” aren’t tax cuts. They are the reinstatement of deductibility of expenses, to be in line with other businesses. This doesn’t cost you or me or the government anything. You aren’t paying for them

If you are unhappy that National is now telling you that you no longer get to have these shiny things that some people don’t want to pay for, then:

1. reassess how they are funded (eg privatisation) or
2. reassess whether you still want them

Seriously man, the entitlement that people feel for other peoples’ money is staggering

I’m not a landlord. But I don’t expect them to fund things that I want

Aren't you too young to do a boomer rant like this

Duh the interest deductibility topic was more about cooling the housing market then tax take

If we're talking entitlement - entitlement is what the housing and smoking lobby sector have towards the current government.
Donate and get what ever policy you want in.

So how to pay for this long laundry list of things that people want the government to implement?

Bear in mind that the country isn’t flush with money
By cutting back the wasteful (but not at the expense of the primary support mechanisms and services) and bringing in more money through an inheritance tax and reinstating gift duty to reduce the generational transfer of wealth.

I personally don't think that Government's should stack further debt on future generations through excessive borrowing or printing money for projects.
Aren't you too young to do a boomer rant like this
Haha. Just getting tired of hearing people expecting high levels of service but wanting others to pay for it
Duh the interest deductibility topic was more about cooling the housing market then tax take
that’s how Jacinda sold it.

If you believe that’s truly the case, then now the housing market is cooled, why is there a problem in restoring deductibility?
If we're talking entitlement - entitlement is what the housing and smoking lobby sector have towards the current government.
Agreed on the smoking lobby

I don’t know who the “housing lobby” is. Presumably you are referring to the NZers that own investment properties? They lobbied the government with their voting rights
By cutting back the wasteful (but not at the expense of the primary support mechanisms and services)
Which is what the govt is trying to achieve, but Grant borrowed and spent it all
and bringing in more money through an inheritance tax and reinstating gift duty to reduce the generational transfer of wealth.
A nation of grasshoppers
I personally don't think that Government's should stack further debt on future generations through excessive borrowing or printing money for projects.
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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