In a tight housing market like we have, interest deductibility on investment properties skews the market in favour of investors. By lowering investor holding costs compared to owner-occupiers, it lets investors borrow more and outbid first-home buyers, driving up prices and worsening affordability. This dynamic has placed NZ as one of the least affordable housing markets in the OECD. The Labour policy was actually quite good, because it still allowed interest deductibility on new builds which we need.
We are still viewing government debt incorrectly. It’s not like a household budget or running a business. As New Zealand issues its own currency, there are no inherent issues with the size of government debt or spending, so long as the spending is used to expand productive capacity (healthcare, education, R&D funding, infrastructure etc) or when there is slack in the economy (underutilised resources and high unemployment), as we have now. The real constraint is inflation, not the size of the debt.
The current government appears to fundamentally misunderstand how government financing and debt work, treating surpluses as a silver bullet for economic growth, when, in reality, the opposite is often true. A government surplus means a deficit in the private sector, forcing households and businesses to borrow more to make up the shortfall. This often reduces economic growth and is especially counterproductive during a recession, when the private sector is already struggling.
Remember: a government deficit is a private sector asset. This is rooted in the concept of sectoral balances, which show that the government’s financial position is inherently linked to the private sector’s. When the government runs a surplus, the private sector must run a deficit, and vice versa.
In New Zealand, where private sector debt (mostly housing debt which is closely linked to SME business debt) is already a significant issue. Surplus targeting risks making matters worse. By draining financial resources from the private sector, the government leaves households and businesses more reliant on borrowing, creating the conditions for private debt bubbles and further economic instability