London also has a population 5 times the size of Auckland to support it.
We have started heading down that path with the previous National government in 2016
City Rail Link (CRL), official site for NZ Government/Auckland Council underground City Rail Link project, Auckland's number one transport priority.
We also have had the bus hubs (like Oteha valley) and motorway lanes completed.
Since then we haven't had much at all added. There had been a lot of talk about light rail to the airport which stayed as talk. We did get te Huia which didn't appear to have a realistic cost/benefit put to it There seemed to have been more focus on cycle ways (think harbour bridge skyway) and slowing down traffic.
I think there is a lot of assumption that the right don't like or want pubic transport but the facts don't actually seem to support this. Any programme needs to be fundable and buildable in a rational, staged way. With the city rail link there is a good step towards an effective rail public transport option in the city.