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Does anyone else find Andrew Bayly’s conduct mildly entertaining?

I mean, what a savage. Turning up as an esteemed guest and blasting a hard worker as a loser and doing the L shape. And telling them to drink some wine and fuck off

Poor form, but it is actually quite funny
Does anyone else find Andrew Bayly’s conduct mildly entertaining?

I mean, what a savage. Turning up as an esteemed guest and blasting a hard worker as a loser and doing the L shape. And telling them to drink some wine and fuck off

Poor form, but it is actually quite funny

Think it’s tricky because we’ve all got different sense of humours. Someone else might find it entertaining to break his nose if he talked to them like that. That’s obviously assault, but is it not a provocation to approach someone like that?
Does anyone else find Andrew Bayly’s conduct mildly entertaining?

I mean, what a savage. Turning up as an esteemed guest and blasting a hard worker as a loser and doing the L shape. And telling them to drink some wine and fuck off

Poor form, but it is actually quite funny
Strangely he was visiting the business premises late on a Friday afternoon.
Maybe after a long lunch. Just guessing
Think it’s tricky because we’ve all got different sense of humours. Someone else might find it entertaining to break his nose if he talked to them like that. That’s obviously assault, but is it not a provocation to approach someone like that?
J Key got it wrong when he tugged a girl’s ponytail in what he said was a playful manner
Now watch the number of times Luxon pats people on the back when greeting them
He’s probably trained to do that. It’s a leadership display saying ‘I’m here for you/ I’ve got your back’

I was at a function years ago and watched John Key work a room. He would mimic the body language of whoever he was with. You had your arms crossed, we would do the same. Had your hands on your hips he was the same. You could actually see a person change their stance and a moment later, Key would slowly do the same. Training.

Don’t think the hair thing was trained though! Luxon’s probably jealous of everyone’s hair…
Does anyone else find Andrew Bayly’s conduct mildly entertaining?

I mean, what a savage. Turning up as an esteemed guest and blasting a hard worker as a loser and doing the L shape. And telling them to drink some wine and fuck off

Poor form, but it is actually quite funny
Does anyone know what was said leading up to this?

Why did the worker get picked out? There must be some context?

Wearing a big ‘vote for Chippy’ badge?
The efficiency argument is a massive beat up IMO. You don't cut funding to find efficiency, that fucks the whole thing up.
I'm not suggesting cutting funding to find efficiency but accountability for the funding received. And not to mean "making a profit" but to use the money to try and achieve the best outcomes for the taxpayers and those receiving services or providing assets such as infrastructure. It's about achieving a balance and trying to achieve the best outcomes.... not continuously throwing money at something and hoping that something will work out (much like the massive increases in budget under the previous government) or stripping it back so things are underfunded (like this government).
On the Wellington Council intervention. Kieran McAnulty was on the radio this morning.

He was the local government minister for Labour and said there were quite a few times they were looking to intervene in different councils. He also said this was on the lower scale of government intervention.

To balance this out he did say he'd need this looks worse than the report and he'd also need to review it more to critique it.
On the Wellington Council intervention. Kieran McAnulty was on the radio this morning.

He was the local government minister for Labour and said there were quite a few times they were looking to intervene in different councils. He also said this was on the lower scale of government intervention.

To balance this out he did say he'd need this looks worse than the report and he'd also need to review it more to critique it.
It was refreshing to hear a politician actually have a considered response to what the opposite party was doing. It gets tiresome listening to pollies having a hernia about everything their opposite does

More of McAnuty / less of Chippie
I’ve said on here a few times I believe McAnulty will be the next labour leader. Hipkins will step aside a few months before the next election I reckon, he just needs to make it to then
I've said this before, but I've got inlaws that are in right leaning trades, but they were shocked that McAnulty lost his electorate to a guy that was hopeless. He lost it to the racists that were Stop Three Waters. Now their rates have gone up in in some instances 80% and the same TARDS that voted Pedo National are now complaining about it.
I've said this before, but I've got inlaws that are in right leaning trades, but they were shocked that McAnulty lost his electorate to a guy that was hopeless. He lost it to the racists that were Stop Three Waters. Now their rates have gone up in in some instances 80% and the same TARDS that voted Pedo National are now complaining about it.
Many labour representatives lost their seats in the last election, he wasn’t alone. Just like many national representatives lost their seat the election before, it swings in roundabouts. I actually didn’t even know the national candidate and looked it up. Looks like it’s Mike Butterick for Wairarapa? He’s very quiet and if McAnulty keeps on the trajectory he is, he’ll take it. He’s really good on the breakfast show with his interactions with Chris Bishop and makes a lot of sense. Had a laugh a the pedo national remark and didn’t click at first. That’s all gone very quiet, I hope this doesn’t just become old news and forgotten. There’s one abuser with name suppression at present and a potential pedophile ring that could have existed. This needs to be investigated
Interesting piece of information, RE: Wellington Council not doing as the Minister wants.
It’s in this context that Brown agreed with the Local Government Funding Agency that the high-growth councils should be allowed to increase their debt caps from 280% to 350%, as well as putting their water assets in council-controlled companies that could borrow up to 500%.
Many of these councils don’t want to borrow more, but they feel they have little choice. Politically, they can’t raise rates any further. The trouble is, the increase to the debt cap hasn’t yet been signed off by Local Government Funding Agency shareholders (that should happen on November 19) and the Govt hasn’t yet passed the law enabling water infrastructure to be moved to the multi-council water companies.
That’s why Wellington’s long-term plan doesn’t use increased debt headroom to fund its water services and insurance shortfall. It’s already up against its self-imposed debt-to-revenue limit of 225%. And S&P is forecasting that Wellington will breach the mandated 280% debt cap in 2026/27; the city doesn’t yet have the increased headroom to borrow more.

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