Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

What do you think of the current geopolitical situation, who's winning the psychological operations and psyop actions?
Currently? Russia and China are making inroads. There’s never been more anti Israeli sentiment than right now.

But they have to catch up on 100years of dogmatic programming. The problem for the west is that technology is uncovering some inconvenient facts that make history uncomfortable.

These have been challenging the normal order of things in the west.
the archaeological site Göbekli Tepe.
the English translation of Hitlers speech’s
Diddy showing the perversion in entertainment
Ukraine showing the wests military might is mostly for show
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Just curious but was it diesel (HFO)/electric propulsion?
4 x diesel electric generators powering 2 x azimuth propulsion systems and 3 x bow thrusters
