Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


Sounds like Bomber is dodgy is he marv
put it this way.
if i had one i wouldn’t want him targeting, giving drinks, then pulling my underage daughter into the private bar within the bar he DJs at playing fucking lincoln park and papa roach, turning the little light the main bar staff can see off so they think no one’s in there, then letting them all out crying and telling everyone don’t worry, they’re just mental little sluts.

he was much much fatter and sweatier then too so he was even grosser.

some of those girls will come out sooner or later i’m sure, and good job when they do. no matter which side you lean politically, that’s fucking diabolical and you can choke on a sack of cocks then rot in hell in my opinion.

anyway, i hope you’re going okay dude.
pretty wild weather down your way?!
anyway, i hope you’re going okay dude.
pretty wild down your way?!
Yeah bro biggest rain in a century in lower SI they're saying, reminds me of an average day in Auckland.

And yikes, don't know Bradbury personally, except he's into alternative culture (alternative to reality some would say) and he dresses like a communist.
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Yeah bro biggest rain of the century in lower SI they're saying, reminds me of an average day in Auckland
haha, fucking auckland.

my wife and i went back and took my old mum to the tigers game a couple months back.
certainly don’t miss the place.

glad you’re alright down there.

dressing like a communist is NOTHING compared to his other endeavors.

at least he’s not a landlord though i guess.
put it this way.
if i had one i wouldn’t want him targeting, giving drinks, then pulling my underage daughter into the private bar within the bar he DJs at playing fucking lincoln park and papa roach, turning the little light the main bar staff can see off so they think no one’s in there, then letting them all out crying and telling everyone don’t worry, they’re just mental little sluts.

he was much much fatter and sweatier then too so he was even grosser.

some of those girls will come out sooner or later i’m sure, and good job when they do. no matter which side you lean politically, that’s fucking diabolical and you can choke on a sack of cocks then rot in hell in my opinion.
Add him to the list. I wonder when the rest will come out. Waiting for P-Moneys day in the spotlight
"disinformation" is the new "gaslighting". Repeated ad nauseum by midwits who don't like what they are hearing and want it censored.
Hmm, but aren't state propaganda operations real in a lot of countries though? Russian Active Measures, CCP state media, the Pentagon etc, do they use disinformation?
Its why most people are vehemently anti Russian. Every piece of media you have consumed your entire life painted Russians as the bad guy, and they only supporting evidence is US media. And people think they are "informed"
Every regime uses disinformation, how is it like the new "gaslighting" to point it out when it's real?
Because every amateur uses for every situation. It’s actually a strategic political/ military action as a piece of a larger psychological operation.

Luxon saying things you don’t like, doesn’t quite meet the bar.
What do you think of the current geopolitical situation, who's winning the psychological operations and psyop actions?
Man, WaterCare are friggen useless!!!!

The previous tenants (a family with two adults and one toddler) shifted out of our rental property in the beginning of the year. WaterCare were informed that a family of four adults and two children were shifting in and we asked them to adjust the water usage for the estimated bills accordingly because we didn't want the new tenants to get a big shock if WaterCare were only estimating the water usage on the previous tenants. Each month, WaterCare only sent out bills for around $90.... the same as they did for the previous tenants and each month, we'd again ask them to increase the estimated usage.

Then, in August when WaterCare have done an actual reading, the tenants get a waterbill for over $900 because they were averaging over $300 per month even though they had only been billed for around $90 each month. They panic their estimated daily water usage in June was only 116L average per day but, because WaterCare had finally read the meter, they said their average water usage in July was 3,690L per day. So, a plumber comes out and confirms there's no leaks, WaterCare confirm there's no problem with the meter and we do a few pressure tests confirming there's no leak. In the meantime, we're paid the full amount and are expecting the property manager to get the rest back from them. The property manager (who we fired before this but had to wait two months to be rid of them) does nothing. For the tenants, English is a second language who don't understand that there's a difference between an estimated reading and an actual one. Eventually, the property manager gets of their butt and tries to recover the money.

WaterCare are again asked to revise the estimated usage upwards and we're told they would. They lied. The September account arrives for less than $55.

The new property manager, before she's even taken over the property, goes to see them and explains the difference and arranges for them to pay it back installments. Then, a week before they were to hand the property over, the old property manager, even though they had been informed of the arrangement, sends the tenant notification that they need to pay the outstanding amount in full. Why? So, they can charge a fee for recovering the money.

Again, they are informed not to do anything but they then send the tenant an email, one day before our management agreement with them was too end, saying they are taking the tenants to the Tenancy Tribunal. The new property manager then informs the old one that they would be sued if they tried to recover money while no longer managing the property. The old one backs down... except they sent us a bill for their time trying to recover the debt. We wished them good luck with that and invited them to take us to the Disputes Tribunal and also reminded them how they had sent us an email claiming to be a record of an email changing our management agreement with them. The problem was, although the email had our names on it, it was sent to someone else.

Then, yesterday, the tenants get another huge shock.... WaterCare have done an actual reading of the meter again and their latest bill, which we'll have to pay and then recover the money from the tenants is for nearly $700 for the last two months.
Man, WaterCare are friggen useless!!!!

The previous tenants (a family with two adults and one toddler) shifted out of our rental property in the beginning of the year. WaterCare were informed that a family of four adults and two children were shifting in and we asked them to adjust the water usage for the estimated bills accordingly because we didn't want the new tenants to get a big shock if WaterCare were only estimating the water usage on the previous tenants. Each month, WaterCare only sent out bills for around $90.... the same as they did for the previous tenants and each month, we'd again ask them to increase the estimated usage.

Then, in August when WaterCare have done an actual reading, the tenants get a waterbill for over $900 because they were averaging over $300 per month even though they had only been billed for around $90 each month. They panic their estimated daily water usage in June was only 116L average per day but, because WaterCare had finally read the meter, they said their average water usage in July was 3,690L per day. So, a plumber comes out and confirms there's no leaks, WaterCare confirm there's no problem with the meter and we do a few pressure tests confirming there's no leak. In the meantime, we're paid the full amount and are expecting the property manager to get the rest back from them. The property manager (who we fired before this but had to wait two months to be rid of them) does nothing. For the tenants, English is a second language who don't understand that there's a difference between an estimated reading and an actual one. Eventually, the property manager gets of their butt and tries to recover the money.

WaterCare are again asked to revise the estimated usage upwards and we're told they would. They lied. The September account arrives for less than $55.

The new property manager, before she's even taken over the property, goes to see them and explains the difference and arranges for them to pay it back installments. Then, a week before they were to hand the property over, the old property manager, even though they had been informed of the arrangement, sends the tenant notification that they need to pay the outstanding amount in full. Why? So, they can charge a fee for recovering the money.

Again, they are informed not to do anything but they then send the tenant an email, one day before our management agreement with them was too end, saying they are taking the tenants to the Tenancy Tribunal. The new property manager then informs the old one that they would be sued if they tried to recover money while no longer managing the property. The old one backs down... except they sent us a bill for their time trying to recover the debt. We wished them good luck with that and invited them to take us to the Disputes Tribunal and also reminded them how they had sent us an email claiming to be a record of an email changing our management agreement with them. The problem was, although the email had our names on it, it was sent to someone else.

Then, yesterday, the tenants get another huge shock.... WaterCare have done an actual reading of the meter again and their latest bill, which we'll have to pay and then recover the money from the tenants is for nearly $700 for the last two months.
How are they using that much water for a family of 6. The average person in NZ uses 227 litres per day so maybe 1200l for a family of 6 How are they using 3,700 litres per day - 3 times the average?

If the meters are right the tenants are excessive users! Hydroponics operation? 🤣
How are they using that much water for a family of 6. The average person in NZ uses 227 litres per day so maybe 1200l for a family of 6 How are they using 3,700 litres per day - 3 times the average?

If the meters are right the tenants are excessive users! Hydroponics operation? 🤣
Quite simply they aren’t. The first two months they were there, WaterCare estimated they were using 116L each day. Then on the third month, WaterCare needed to catch them up to what they had used over the last 90 days but, instead of dividing the total by 90 days to get the average, they divided it by 30 days for that billing period. That distorted the average.

Think of it this way. Say they used 30,000L per month for three months but for two of them, WaterCare estimated they had only used 3,000L per month for the first two months. The leaves 24,000L to be invoiced for the third month when they do an actual reading. So, instead of saying they’d used 333.3L per day over the three months (30,000L / 90 days), WaterCares system says they’d used 800L per day ( based on the balance of water not previously charged for / by the period I.e. 24,000L / 30 days).
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