Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

I thought the reefs fell into depths well beyond divers.
The tanks are probably intact, there will be a few, hydraulics, fuel and oil.
A mate removed the fuel from the Mikhail Lermantov back in 86 without losing more than 100 litres he estimated, which they easily cleaned up. Took six men four months living above the wreck and that was shallow.
Not sure if robotics can operate at that level and anyway, the length of hoses would be a problem.
Beyond our Navy sadly because I'm sure they would like to do what they can to protect the seas and shoreline.
Difficult operations by the sound of it.
Companies like Svitzer are expensive but are experts in this type of expertise.
Did a pretty good job with the Rena from what I have heard


Don’t recall the previous Govt losing a Defence Force asset when they were in power - they couldn’t have been that bad then!
Going to be pretty disastrous to create a maritime disaster in another country. Hope it can be contained and kept to a minimum. Lot of spotlight on the area at the moment with the Kings arrival soon so very embarrassing
What about you mate? I worry for you. Before the turks came you were Worried3Death, then you went back to being Worried2Death. Next you’ll be Worried4Death. How are you feeling watching it all unfold?
Been getting pretty worried about the Iran/Israel situation this week, expecting the IDF to take out Iranian nuke facilities or oil plants. Well it would be the US military doing that really, let's face it. Hope it doesn't escalate beyond that. I'm always worried about Xi moving on Taiwan too, and what the US response would be, and what it would mean for us. We just sunk a quarter of our navy fleet on a Samoan reef, that doesn't bode well.
As for NZ politics, eh what can you do about neoliberalism, Labour will be back to save us in a term or two.
Ever studied Göbekli Tepe bro? Have you watched Hitler's speeches in English lately. Not long until the Pacific Cup, then it's a long wait until the trials. Bit worried we haven't signed another half.
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Been getting pretty worried about the Iran/Israel situation this week, expecting the IDF to take out Iranian nuke facilities or oil plants. Well it would be the US military doing that really, let's face it. Hope it doesn't escalate beyond that. I'm always worried about Xi moving on Taiwan too, and what the US response would be, and what it would mean for us. We just sunk a quarter of our navy fleet on a Samoan reef, that doesn't bode well.
As for NZ politics, eh what can you do about neoliberalism, Labour will be back to save us in a term or two.
Ever studied Göbekli Tepe bro? Have you watched Hitler's speeches in English lately

Something happening here, what it is isn’t exactly clear to quote Buffalo Springfield but when I googled it, this came up. Starting to think this all might be connected with Turkey here and the hijacking of the site in which I just mentioned in your wellbeing. I think we might be getting closer to the truth
What does the voice sound like? Is it like those Korean films with the American accent and the mouth is moving differently to the words?
Haven't seen them but heard they’re pretty big on X, I'm sure it was all perfectly reasonable when you hear it in English. They got James Earl Jones to voice them.
Haven't seen them but heard they’re pretty big on X, I'm sure it was all perfectly reasonable when you hear it in English. They got James Earl Jones to voice them.

Keeping this off track, but I remember watching the first Kickboxer movie about 10 years ago and my Chilean flatmate at the time was shocked at how "high" JCVD's actual voice was. Apparently the Chilean voiceover that he grew up with was super deep and macho 😂

Yay NZ Politics.
Luxon’s lack of popularity amongst business leaders shouldn’t come as a surprise, most know what he’s about. I recall a bloke once saying he knew Christopher back when he was just Chris. At that time he was Air NZ CEO & hated anyone shortening his name. Obviously the move into politics required a shortening in order to be viewed as a man of the people (which he most definitely shouldn’t be viewed as).
Keeping this off track, but I remember watching the first Kickboxer movie about 10 years ago and my Chilean flatmate at the time was shocked at how "high" JCVD's actual voice was. Apparently the Chilean voiceover that he grew up with was super deep and macho 😂

Yay NZ Politics.
Knock sue cow
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