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Politics šŸ—³ļø NZ Politics

I get that

But it's hypocritical what we allow ourselves to get upset about or choose to ignore - both sides of the political spectrum.
Yeah šŸ’Æ & I have no problem with where they position themselves on the spectrum. However at the same time itā€™s very difficult not to be triggered by their approach at times. In my view they overstep in their delivery, intentionally antagonistic and divisive.
I get that

But it's hypocritical what we allow ourselves to get upset about or choose to ignore - both sides of the political spectrum.
Thatā€™s quite a good point. And in fact, there isnā€™t much point in being upset about policies of parties that arenā€™t even in govt. So in fairness, people should be more upset about Act than TPM.

For the record, Iā€™m not particularly upset about TPMs tax policy. I just think it is stupid and ill-thought through.

Iā€™m not a fan of Actā€™s tobacco lobbying. But I donā€™t worry too much about it as it doesnā€™t affect me, and I believe people should make their choices around tobacco. Iā€™d just rather the govt spent its energy on more productive areas
Thatā€™s quite a good point. And in fact, there isnā€™t much point in being upset about policies of parties that arenā€™t even in govt. So in fairness, people should be more upset about Act than TPM.

For the record, Iā€™m not particularly upset about TPMs tax policy. I just think it is stupid and ill-thought through.

Iā€™m not a fan of Actā€™s tobacco lobbying. But I donā€™t worry too much about it as it doesnā€™t affect me, and I believe people should make their choices around tobacco. Iā€™d just rather the govt spent its energy on more productive areas
The point around the lobbying is the influence nefarious organisations can have over over our democracy just as much as the policy itself.
Yeah šŸ’Æ & I have no problem with where they position themselves on the spectrum. However at the same time itā€™s very difficult not to be triggered by their approach at times. In my view they overstep in their delivery, intentionally antagonistic and divisive.
At least we know their "why", the betterment of their people.

What does NZF actually stand for?

Go read how the Act Party posts and tell me thats not antagonistic.

Politics really is shit here at the moment.
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At least we know their "why", the betterment of their people.

What does NZF actually stand for?

Go read how the Act Party posts and tell me thats not antagonistic.

Politics really is shit here at the moment.
Yes not suggesting theyā€™re the only ones playing that game. I have no idea what NZF stand for, but then the flog that currently leads Labour has no idea what he stands for either.
TPM are no different to any other party really - they pander to their potential voter pool. We all know where they sit on the political spectrum and they are unapologetic about it. Theyā€™re a minority party, so by definition most of us will disagree with a lot or in some cases nearly all of their policies.
I am disillusioned with MMP.

In the past a centralist party would make policy for the masses and was very careful about going to far left or right.

Now in many areas the tail wags the dog (eg. ACT on smoking, left parties tax policy, etc). I donā€™t blame the parties I blame the system.

We genuinely need to worry about minor parties policies, with illogically though our ideas that gets compromised into law. With minor parties support consistently dropping while in govt they are going harder and more extreme to stick out and appear their supporters which we all pay for.

Even the major parties have turned away from governing to the masses and have clearly identified target voters they try to buy at the expense of the good of all.

Politics has slowly become a marketing exercise and governing for your target markets rather than governing for all. Divisive.

This is where all the divisiveness is coming from. Governments are not central anymore but the far left and right have too much power. I blame MMP.
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Have a look at their tax policy and tell me how that will increase jobs for Mao

Why is it ok people surmise parties policies and form opinions like act - for the rich pricks; greens - bunch of tree huggers but you surmise the policy position of another party and because the partyā€™s based on race, critical views are racist?

Iā€™ve seen plenty of their policies and them standing up for beneficiaries and gangs. Iā€™ve seen no policies about growing the country or creating jobs.
No, it's because he repeated the racist trope that Māori don't want to work.

I am disillusioned with MMP.

In the past a centralist party would make policy for the masses and was very careful about going to far left or right.

Now in many areas the tail wags the dog (eg. ACT on smoking, left parties tax policy, etc). I donā€™t blame the parties I blame the system.

We genuinely need to worry about minor parties policies, with illogically though our ideas that gets compromised into law. With minor parties support consistently dropping while in govt they are going harder and more extreme to stick out and appear their supporters which we all pay for.

Even the major parties have turned away from governing to the masses and have clearly identified target voters they try to buy at the expense of the good of all.

Politics has slowly become a marketing exercise and governing for your target markets rather than governing for all. Divisive.

This is where all the divisiveness is coming from. Governments are not central anymore but the far left and right have too much power. I blame MMP.
Those centralist parties made (still do) policies for the masses, but by masses you mean the largely white, largely straight, largely cis, largely home owning, largely middle class, and fuck everyone else. MMP is a useful corrective to that. And ACT and NZ First being shithouse doesn't make that less true.
Those centralist parties made (still do) policies for the masses, but by masses you mean the largely white, largely straight, largely cis, largely home owning, largely middle class, and fuck everyone else. MMP is a useful corrective to that. And ACT and NZ First being shithouse doesn't make that less true.
Ok well I guess weā€™re under no illusions as to where you align politically, socially, etc
Ok well I guess weā€™re under no illusions as to where you align politically, socially, etc
Yeah, I align with people of as many stripes as possible, not just people who look like me, live like me, and have the same experiences as me. I get that some people like to defend their camp and blame Māori and muslims and gays and trans and women or whoever for the world's problems. I don't truck with that nonsense. In my view people blaming these other groups are total suckers and simps who are doing exactly what people with wealth and power want them to do: turn on each other.
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Yeah, I align with people of as many stripes as possible, not just people who look like me, live like me, and have the same experiences as me. I get that some people like to defend their camp and blame Māori and muslims and gays and trans and women or whoever for the world's problems. I don't truck with that nonsense. In my view people blaming these other groups are total suckers and simps who are doing exactly what people with wealth and power want them to do: turn on each other.
As many stripes as possible so long as they arenā€™t cis, white, male, middle class (or higher I assume), home owners, etc
As a third tier lender you must be concerned for your loan book.
Selling the house to shore up a failing business is slow suicide.
Not at all
Good security solves many problems
(Second tier actually but charge 3rd tier rates)
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