Politics šŸ—³ļø NZ Politics

And here comes the true underlying racism, joined hobson's pledge yet?
Why because he is pointing out the extra entitlements Maori all claim they donā€™t get but we all know they do? Brother in Law is on a certain council I wonā€™t name, they have just brought in 4 Maori as a sub division to help with giving assistance to roading in various areas, top guy is getting paid 220k per year.


Why because he is pointing out the extra entitlements Maori all claim they donā€™t get but we all know they do? Brother in Law is on a certain council I wonā€™t name, they have just brought in 4 Maori as a sub division to help with giving assistance to roading in various areas, top guy is getting paid 220k per year.
Wow, it's 1970 all over again.
Why because he is pointing out the extra entitlements Maori all claim they donā€™t get but we all know they do? Brother in Law is on a certain council I wonā€™t name, they have just brought in 4 Maori as a sub division to help with giving assistance to roading in various areas, top guy is getting paid 220k per year.
Wow a Maori with a high paying job, how dare he
I just found out during the week that my proposal for doing alterations to a South Auckland Primary School has been rejected.... not on the basis of my proposal or my fees but because of the fact I don't have my staff made out of 1/4 Maori. The fact that I'm self-employed and don't employ any staff is irrelevant.
Plain racism.

No defending that. These sort of divisive racist policies do Maori more harm than good.

And our lefties canā€™t understand why Trump, the far right and Hobsons Pledge are growing. These indefensible racist policies are driving people there šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
@MaybeTop8 reflecting on on your racist govt claims.

My grandparent was adopted and possibly Maori.

How can dividing us by race have any importance if I canā€™t identify if Iā€™m Maori or not? Do I need all the extra help or not?

Didnā€™t the left campaign against entitlement based on race in South Africa?

Context - a child of mine is applying for entrance to university and the extra entitlement for Maori is staggering
Just out of interest why don't you do one of those Ancestry.com DNA tests to clarify if you have NZ Maori ancestry or not. (assuming they're accurate)
Well, time for me to get banned then. Fuck you're an idiot. Piss off.
The definition of racism is ā€˜prejudice on the basis of race by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group.ā€™

A decision to award a contract on the basis of racial membership rather than any other criteria is a racist decision according to the definition. It is racist.
One day I will. My background is very multi ethnic but i just see myself as a kiwi. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
Yeah so do I, affirmative action policies have some merit for historically marginalised groups but they're a minefield of resentment once we've passed the point of redressing past wrongs. I have no fixed opinion on it now, have we achieved all the equality we're going to get, or gone too far and the disadvantaged have become the privileged, who knows where that point is.
Yeah so do I, affirmative action policies have some merit for historically marginalised groups but they're a minefield of resentment once we've passed the point of redressing past wrongs. I have no fixed opinion on it now, have we achieved all the equality we're going to get, or gone too far and the disadvantaged have become the privileged, who knows where that point is.
Such wise wordsā€¦

I just find it funny those wanting everyone to be equal are called racist šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
My child would be able to get these $1,000s in scholarships but because we canā€™t identify if we are Maori or notā€¦ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Did you apply for your share of the $85m that my kids, as normal middle class kids donā€™t meet any criteria?

There are thousands of scholarships to apply for mate, from coming from rural communities, LGBTQI, international students, the first in your family to attend Uni or just because you face financial hardship. Why is it that Māori scholarships are the only ones you have a problem with?
There are thousands of scholarships to apply for mate, from coming from rural communities, LGBTQI, international students, the first in your family to attend Uni or just because you face financial hardship. Why is it that Māori scholarships are the only ones you have a problem with?
Honestly, I have a problem with them all. Why should anyone get assistance when others donā€™t? These sort of things arenā€™t based on need or ability.

My daughter has been tossing up not doing university due to cost and she doesnā€™t meet the criteria for any scholarships so itā€™s just front of mind.

Even worse some kids are eligible for student allowances but apparently I earn too much so sheā€™s looking at a significantly higher debt that others. Again I think thatā€™s pretty unfair and is affecting her decision.
Honestly, I have a problem with them all. Why should anyone get assistance when others donā€™t? These sort of things arenā€™t based on need or ability.

My daughter has been tossing up not doing university due to cost and she doesnā€™t meet the criteria for any scholarships so itā€™s just front of mind.

Even worse some kids are eligible for allowances but apparently I earn too much so sheā€™s looking at a significantly higher debt that others. Again I think thatā€™s pretty unfair and is affecting her decision.
The majority literally are based on need or ability, requiring NCEA marks, University marks or financial evidence to apply for? How are you coming to that conclusion?
The majority literally are based on need or ability, requiring NCEA marks, University marks or financial evidence to apply for? How are you coming to that conclusion?
He's pissed off that he earns too much for his kids to qualify for a grant while the offsprings of layabouts on minimum wage get all the handouts. That's why he votes ACT to straighten out this whole mess. -Don Brashwah.
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