Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Te Huia is funded by New Zealand Transport Agency and local councils through to June 2026. As at June 2024, the public funding portion is currently split between NZTA (75.5 per cent), Waikato Regional Council (21.2 per cent) and Waikato District Council (3.3 per cent).
And Wizz's post was just another example of people using wrong information to try in score points.

It's like the stabilisier fin that was found missing from the interislander Kaitaki ferry.... social media has been full of back and forward attacks by both sides of the politicial divide. Labour and Greens voters pointing to National underfunding KiwiRail in order to sell it off while National voters are saying it shows underfunding by the previous government.

But both couldn't be further from the truth. When the ferry was last in drydock, it was discovered that one of the two stabilizer's was missing. KiwiRail were never going to be able to get a replacement fitted in the time it was in drydock so have ordered the parts necessary for the repair to be done in Singapore when the Kaitaki is up there for it's next schedule service.

Nothing at all to do with funding or possible sales and everything to do with the logistics of getting the parts necessary.
Stop making excuses for his ignorance. He clearly stated his belief that National are running KiwiRail down.
You are hilariously condescending. Consistent too, thanks for the concern again, not to mention speaking for me, when really, there's no need to.

The public softening is classic tactics to sell something off. You all must be very young not to have lived through this in the 80s, 90s.

Thanks to those who have more considered comments.
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You are hilariously condescending. Consistent too, thanks for the concern again, not to mention speaking for me, when really, there's no need to.

The public softening is classic tactics to sell something off. You all must be very young not to have lived through this in the 80s, 90s.

Thanks to those who have more considered comments.
I wasn’t speaking for you. I was responding to a post that inaccurately defended your previous post.

I’ve made my point about the KiwiRail assets and the multi-decade lack of reinvestment already and it’s a waste of my time explaining it to you further because you only seem to be interested in throwing shade on the current government, on every topic imaginable, irrespective of the facts.
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If this is true then the politicians decision to raise speed limits in auckland is idiotic. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/auckl...-governments-plan/VVRYMZHUDFCHZAQQM3FY7W34OQ/
Sounds like someone’s making the data fit an agenda…

Seriously, how can dropping speed limits by up to 40% only increase the time by 0.012% (15 seconds increase in 1200 seconds travelled).

Does anyone seriously believe this? Data seems to say nobody’s doing the new speed limits 🤣

And so then increasing average speed by 0.012% again is somehow going to increase the road toll by 30% on those same roads?

Sorry, no credibility. Scrap the lower speed limits and get the country moving again.
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Thanks. National are following textbook neoliberal guidelines - run something down, soften the public, sell it off
National have increased the Crown funding to KiwiRail.... Labour Budgets gave KiwiRail $834.4M Crown funding spread over the 2020 and 2021 Budgets (an average of $417.2M average per year) compared to the recently announced $466M for this year by the current government.

Unfortunately, this flies in the face of the left wing commentators saying National are preparing it for sale by reducing it's funding to run it down.

Also, who would want to buy an entity which needs over $400M cash injections per annum to survive?
If you're wondering why allowing Minister's to fast track Resource Consent approvals may be done for political reasons, consider this.... on 6 July last year, Minister David Parker approved a Consent for a mid-rise retirement village at the Mount under the law brought in for Fast Tracking developments to help with the COVID recovery.... the next day, the law was repelled. If Labour were happy to use a fast track law like this, how will a "business friendly" government like our current one use it?
You’d have to see the raw data. All politicians do is lie
I got a good taste of that the last few years with one of Labours policies.

When it was being proposed and no money should be being spent on it I asked my boss what this project my colleague was working on. I got told what it was for and responded I thought that wasn't going ahead. That got a good laugh.

Later when it wasn't thought out properly so Labour said it was on hold I was working on it myself. I'd ask questions on how I am supposed to design things around it and policies. That didn't go far.

Listening to the radio about a head office for this policy that is on hold and may not go ahead. Journalists saying the empty office was a waste of money. Mean while I am driving out of town to an unmarked building trying to figure out if I am at the right place.

Ministers getting interviewed saying one thing while the opposite is happening.
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I got a good taste of that the last few years with one of Labours policies.

When it was being proposed and no money should be being spent on it I asked my boss what this project my colleague was working on. I got told what it was for and responded I thought that wasn't going ahead. That got a good laugh.

Later when it wasn't thought out properly so Labour said it was on hold I was working on it myself. I'd ask questions on how I am supposed to design things around it and policies. That didn't go far.

Listening to the radio about a head office for this policy that is on hold and may not go ahead. Journalists saying the empty office was a waste of money. Mean while I am driving out of town to an unmarked building trying to figure out if I am at the right place.

Ministers getting interviewed saying one thing while the opposite is happening.
Now apply that to things like cops, military, spies etc who actually get secrecy.. Lies and cover ups :censored:
I got a good taste of that the last few years with one of Labours policies.

When it was being proposed and no money should be being spent on it I asked my boss what this project my colleague was working on. I got told what it was for and responded I thought that wasn't going ahead. That got a good laugh.

Later when it wasn't thought out properly so Labour said it was on hold I was working on it myself. I'd ask questions on how I am supposed to design things around it and policies. That didn't go far.

Listening to the radio about a head office for this policy that is on hold and may not go ahead. Journalists saying the empty office was a waste of money. Mean while I am driving out of town to an unmarked building trying to figure out if I am at the right place.

Ministers getting interviewed saying one thing while the opposite is happening.
i expect more of the same this term.

and as above as MrFrankWhite MrFrankWhite said…
All politicians do is lie
This from Labour before the $1.47b final cost over run:

‘Robertson wanted more information from KiwiRail on the cost and risk of alternative options.

He specifically wanted to know: “The extent to which seeking to renegotiate the shipbuilding contract to procure ferries that are more like-for-like with respect to the current fleet and/or are not rail-enabled would allow for landside infrastructure costs to be reduced and forecast with greater certainty”.

Its black and white now that Labour would have also cancelled Kiwirails mega ferries as well. Case close for the lefties on here whinging over doing the responsible thing 🤣

Australia can have Subs? But we cant have a new ferry 🤣
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Just back from a road trip through the South Waikato and Auckland. Have to say the condition of our roads is appalling and the stretch on the expressway north of Hamilton is a disgrace. There's a major contributor to productivity (lack of) staring us in the face.

And don't get me started on cones.
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Sounds like someone’s making the data fit an agenda…

Seriously, how can dropping speed limits by up to 40% only increase the time by 0.012% (15 seconds increase in 1200 seconds travelled).

Does anyone seriously believe this? Data seems to say nobody’s doing the new speed limits 🤣

And so then increasing average speed by 0.012% again is somehow going to increase the road toll by 30% on those same roads?

Sorry, no credibility. Scrap the lower speed limits and get the country moving again.
I would prefer fact based decision making. At least the council are looking at the data and a conspiracy where AT and 18 of the 21 councilors made up their own data seems far fetched.
I am not against putting up speed limits where it makes sense but unless central government has data it isn't sharing the facts don't support it in auckland.
Why can't they let local government make the decisions anyway, they will get it right more than central government.
Didn’t know where to put this but I thought a very insightful piece from Tucker Carlson when he visit Melbourne

View: https://youtu.be/dka2i27sxgs?si=POI_V8AOu2e0-Xtr

A figurehead for the misinformation far right industry. Pure bullshit. EDIT: Grifting, lying, disinformation bullshit to advance the far right.