And Wizz's post was just another example of people using wrong information to try in score points.Te Huia is funded by New Zealand Transport Agency and local councils through to June 2026. As at June 2024, the public funding portion is currently split between NZTA (75.5 per cent), Waikato Regional Council (21.2 per cent) and Waikato District Council (3.3 per cent).
It's like the stabilisier fin that was found missing from the interislander Kaitaki ferry.... social media has been full of back and forward attacks by both sides of the politicial divide. Labour and Greens voters pointing to National underfunding KiwiRail in order to sell it off while National voters are saying it shows underfunding by the previous government.
But both couldn't be further from the truth. When the ferry was last in drydock, it was discovered that one of the two stabilizer's was missing. KiwiRail were never going to be able to get a replacement fitted in the time it was in drydock so have ordered the parts necessary for the repair to be done in Singapore when the Kaitaki is up there for it's next schedule service.
Nothing at all to do with funding or possible sales and everything to do with the logistics of getting the parts necessary.