Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Considering there has been a 20% increase in population between those two dates, is a 35% increase in road deaths expected? Or is that too many? I would expect the increase in road deaths to not be exactly linear with population growth.

It's not as simple as increase in road deaths = bad, so many factors to take into account. Not simple maths at all.
Population increase less Increase in public transport use plus increase/ decrease in alcohol and drug use less safety improvements in cars less road safety improvements less changes in driver competency = speeds just one of many factors that’s given an overweighted importance and lowering speed limits hasn’t dented the road toll while reducing productivity and increasing transport cost.


I went to a leadership event for youth the other day and they track the people that have been through their leadership course. About half of them have moved to Australia.

We have an economic emergency in NZ that is having a bigger impact on people than any other factor.

The success of our economy needs to be our priority. The days of reducing our primary industries, over regulating tourism, slowing down transport, govt dominating employment growth, etc needs a reality check or else the last lefty left can turn out the lights.
I went to a leadership event for youth the other day and they track the people that have been through their leadership course. About half of them have moved to Australia.

We have an economic emergency in NZ that is having a bigger impact on people than any other factor.

The success of our economy needs to be our priority. The days of reducing our primary industries, over regulating tourism, slowing down transport, govt dominating employment growth, etc needs a reality check or else the last lefty left can turn out the lights.
Immigration is exceeding emigration though, we need more lights
I went to a leadership event for youth the other day and they track the people that have been through their leadership course. About half of them have moved to Australia.

We have an economic emergency in NZ that is having a bigger impact on people than any other factor.

The success of our economy needs to be our priority. The days of reducing our primary industries, over regulating tourism, slowing down transport, govt dominating employment growth, etc needs a reality check or else the last lefty left can turn out the lights.
Yeah, because slowing down transport is why they went to Australia. Keep up the fake culture wars wiz, boomers are on their way out.
Our economy has been suffered a death by 1000 cuts…

In case you didn’t notice it’s our best and brightest young people that are leaving as NZ has become a retirement home economy…
And let's see. Why is that? The race to the bottom of the wage heap perhaps? Businesses crying poor because they can't afford to pay a minimum wage, yet we take in more immigration with no controls and artificially keep wages low The lack of investment in industry and sustainable technologies, becozzzz you know...the market will provide. Hint: It hasn't, it doesn't and it won't ever.

Or maybe it's being saddled with 100s of 1000s of student loan debt, while watching boomers take all the money in real estate and forever prevent politicians from implementing real taxation on capital gains, obscene profits etc. Never being able to buy a house.

Or the obscenity that is our food prices, while we watch our manufacturing base get gutted from under us.

Or maybe it's artificial recessions, where we get promised $20 a fortnight in tax cuts while people are dying on waiting lists, being told we're not going to get those cancer drugs and services are being slashed at a time where there is no more headroom.

Maybe it's the three meatheads who are openly willing to sell nz's entire ecology and set us back 70 years in the battle against climate change.

And what underpins all of this, in the last 50 years? Neoliberalism. A giant market failure and disaster except to make the wealthy super wealthy.

I could go on, but fuck it, up the wahs.
And let's see. Why is that? The race to the bottom of the wage heap perhaps? Businesses crying poor because they can't afford to pay a minimum wage, yet we take in more immigration with no controls and artificially keep wages low The lack of investment in industry and sustainable technologies, becozzzz you know...the market will provide. Hint: It hasn't, it doesn't and it won't ever.

Or maybe it's being saddled with 100s of 1000s of student loan debt, while watching boomers take all the money in real estate and forever prevent politicians from implementing real taxation on capital gains, obscene profits etc. Never being able to buy a house.

Or the obscenity that is our food prices, while we watch our manufacturing base get gutted from under us.

Or maybe it's artificial recessions, where we get promised $20 a fortnight in tax cuts while people are dying on waiting lists, being told we're not going to get those cancer drugs and services are being slashed at a time where there is no more headroom.

Maybe it's the three meatheads who are openly willing to sell nz's entire ecology and set us back 70 years in the battle against climate change.

And what underpins all of this, in the last 50 years? Neoliberalism. A giant market failure and disaster except to make the wealthy super wealthy.

I could go on, but fuck it, up the wahs.
Let’s go back 50 years when Nz was one of the richest countries in the world - I agree!

When we backed our farmers and exploited our natural advantages and what the land had to offer. When we backed number 8 fencing wire - innovation, personal responsibility and shunned the welfare state; a good Christian foundation that was aghast at broken marriages or non conformity. A lower productive population that the land could support and provide for.

This is the boomer NZ that you look back on with rose tinted glasses but also ignore the detail. Confusing.

You have yet to name your ultimate country that we should aspire to that’s not neoliberal so we can take your anti-neoliberal ideals seriously.
Let’s go back 50 years when Nz was one of the richest countries in the world - I agree!

When we backed our farmers and exploited our natural advantages and what the land had to offer. When we backed number 8 fencing wire - innovation, personal responsibility and shunned the welfare state; a good Christian foundation that was aghast at broken marriages or non conformity. A lower productive population that the land could support and provide for.

This is the boomer NZ that you look back on with rose tinted glasses but also ignore the detail. Confusing.

You have yet to name your ultimate country that we should aspire to that’s not neoliberal so we can take your anti-neoliberal ideals serious
I can't take you seriously at all. Up the wahs.
I can't take you seriously at all. Up the wahs.
I actually like your posts. There is thought and intelligence behind them.

I actually think we want the same things, even though we have very different ideas of how to get there. Like a parent can want a successful child and one base their parenting on being child led and another parent led.

But mate, give us some examples of a non-neoliberal economy that you aspire to, so we can debate the merits, otherwise your points have the credibility of hoping that Santa and the tooth ferry will provide the money and resources to make us successful.

Up the Wahs!
Wasn’t sure where to put this, but America is in the process of making all males aged 18-26 draft eligible.

Kind of feels like they are expecting war.
Looks like the bill just makes registration automatic now, it's always been compulsory.

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