And let's see. Why is that? The race to the bottom of the wage heap perhaps? Businesses crying poor because they can't afford to pay a minimum wage, yet we take in more immigration with no controls and artificially keep wages low The lack of investment in industry and sustainable technologies, becozzzz you know...the market will provide. Hint: It hasn't, it doesn't and it won't ever.
Or maybe it's being saddled with 100s of 1000s of student loan debt, while watching boomers take all the money in real estate and forever prevent politicians from implementing real taxation on capital gains, obscene profits etc. Never being able to buy a house.
Or the obscenity that is our food prices, while we watch our manufacturing base get gutted from under us.
Or maybe it's artificial recessions, where we get promised $20 a fortnight in tax cuts while people are dying on waiting lists, being told we're not going to get those cancer drugs and services are being slashed at a time where there is no more headroom.
Maybe it's the three meatheads who are openly willing to sell nz's entire ecology and set us back 70 years in the battle against climate change.
And what underpins all of this, in the last 50 years? Neoliberalism. A giant market failure and disaster except to make the wealthy super wealthy.
I could go on, but fuck it, up the wahs.