Where do you want it/ them to go. In your neck of the woods? Nah, didn't think so.
We're an earthquake prone country with risk for a few tsunami - from the Hikurangi trench if it decides the time is right for a tectonic plate shift - remember Kaikoura coastline lifting 1metre after CHCH? That's nothing? Think Japan then. Or Chenobyl.
For the safety experts out there ready with the improved safety etc, that shite stays around for generations if it happens.
Put it in the southern alps where noone lives? Active faultline.
And while it might not go like Chernobyl, waste has to be gotten rid of, any leaks and your land & waterways are ****ed. (Farmers would love that wouldn't they?)And then there's the distribution costs
We're one small country that would very quickly be exponentially damaged if an 'accident' were to occur. For generations of people, let alone unusable 'wasteland'.
Not fearmongering, just being practical. With advances possible in other areas of energy production we don't need nuclear. Invest in those areas.
Anyway, back to the question, in your neighbourhood?