Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

I think only nick smiths breakdown when approached by cameras about favourable treatment for bronwyn puller compares as mullers capitulation on camera. The john key/mccaw handshake was pretty cringeworthy as was him having to apologise for pulling a waitress’s hair. I could watch it on a montage for days.
I reckon Muller's not fair game either. He seemed like a decent bloke and National was full of sharks circling, hugely toxic at the time. They threw him to the wolves, Collins and Bridges loved seeing him eviscerated.


I reckon Muller's not fair game either. He seemed like a decent bloke and National was full of sharks circling, hugely toxic at the time. They threw him to the wolves, Collins and Bridges loved seeing him eviscerated.
I think the opposition and media did too. He took his opportunity so is equally as much of a shark as anyone. He was out of his depth though and didn't handle a fairly easy issue well at all. He was never going to get far as leader if his mental health was that fragile, as sad as that is
I reckon Muller's not fair game either. He seemed like a decent bloke and National was full of sharks circling, hugely toxic at the time. They threw him to the wolves, Collins and Bridges loved seeing him eviscerated.
That’s the environment you’re in unfortunately. Shape up or ship out. The green mp is the fodder at present.
The great politician, Mel Meninga says hi 🤣
I think the opposition and media did too. He took his opportunity so is equally as much of a shark as anyone. He was out of his depth though and didn't handle a fairly easy issue well at all. He was never going to get far as leader if his mental health was that fragile, as sad as that is
The party was in turmoil and the senior members like Brownlee and Collins didn't have the balls to go to the rescue.
How are they still in senior positions 😳.
That's right throw a newbie to the wolves
Are they? I would argue Labours social engineering was a big factor in people being turned off them…

Aotearoa has only been used by the left and is now a symbol of social engineering.

I quite liked the name but got turned off it when it was forced in our faces rather than a natural community led move for change.

Again it’s offensive trying to remove European history and Maorify everything that they have no right to claim (Auckland name)
Or it's clandestine far-right lobby groups like Atlas stirring up the rednecks with divisive rhetoric. Or a bit of both, but I blame Altlas Network for everything shady going on now.
Watching the cricket, where’s this Tamaki Makarau that it’s played? Its Auckland!

Oh… it’s on TVNZ… where the social engineering is strong. Thought you were sorting it out Winston?

And I will back up my argument. Lots of cities have European and lots have Maori names (Tauranga, Rotorua, Whangarei, Taupo, etc). These cities have a long history behind the names. Would the Maori like it if a Europeans decided to rename Tauranga to say Wizardton? It would be offensive and disrespectful to history. I’m entitled to the same view the other way. Auckland was a European settlement like Tauranga was predominantly Maori.

Let history be history and stop social engineering. Go get ‘em Winston!
What is wrong with using both? I am watching the same broadcast and they have not renamed Auckland and have in fact used both names.
Or it's clandestine far-right lobby groups like Atlas stirring up the rednecks with divisive rhetoric. Or a bit of both, but I blame Altlas Network for everything shady going on now.
What happened to Blackrock being the dark force behind everything? Is that still the case? Or them investing in NZ changed that perception? Or are they influencing us with their investment?

Watch out for the organisations with the villain names. Blackrock. Atlas Network.
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The party was in turmoil and the senior members like Brownlee and Collins didn't have the balls to go to the rescue.
How are they still in senior positions 😳.
That's right throw a newbie to the wolves
Collins was leader and still going strong, minister of space now. Earned re-election after being stripped of portfolios after a conflict of interest. She has what it takes to be a politician, she’s a bitch to put nicely.
Collins was leader and still going strong, minister of space now. Earned re-election after being stripped of portfolios after a conflict of interest. She has what it takes to be a politician, she’s a bitch to put nicely.
Alleged conflict of interest
Collins was leader and still going strong, minister of space now. Earned re-election after being stripped of portfolios after a conflict of interest. She has what it takes to be a politician, she’s a bitch to put nicely.
She waited until Muller fainted.
Should have been there to step up when Bridges bailed
What happened to Blackrock being the dark force behind everything? Is that still the case? Or them investing in NZ changed that perception? Or are the influencing us with their investment?

Watch out for the organisations with the villain names. Blackrock. Atlas Network.
That's so 2020, never mind about that now that Blackrock's going alright in my Kiwisaver, we're onto the next conspiracy now.
Is that like the greens mp allegedly stealing?
Sarcasm obviously doesn't translate well in text. Just highlighting that some jump quickly to the defence of the left and use the allegedly call but they aren't consistent at all when it comes down to it. In both the alleged greens mp case and alleged Judith Collins conflict of interest.
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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