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Yet your last post implies that nationals dismal results of 2020 was all down to covid? I’ll return your mmm.
National was ahead in the polls precovid and Labour was going to be a one term government. We all acknowledge Jacinda did a great job of the early part of the Pandemic which National didn’t have an answer to. It was Labours to lose and they did a good job.

The handling of the later parts of the pandemic are acknowledged even within Labour as handled poorly.

Every country has had ongoing economic effects but in lots of statistics we are going worse than a lot of other countries due to Labours policies.
Yet your last post implies that nationals dismal results of 2020 was all down to covid? I’ll return your mmm.
Majority of it was IMO. Prior to it Labour was already sliding and National were in the low 40's with polling and Bridges leading. COVID came along, people wanted stability under uncertain times and fair enough. Their initial response was good and gave people some confidence in that. Poll results started to slide and National foolishly thought a change of leadership could reverse that - they were never going to win it but they made it worse with the multiple leadership changes and lack of stability when that is what voters were looking for. Once COVID hit the election was pretty much decided, it was just a question of by how much. If Labour got in in their achievements, results and policies then what happened in the next period for them to lose effectively half their vote?
National was ahead in the polls precovid and Labour was going to be a one term government. We all acknowledge Jacinda did a great job of the early part of the Pandemic which National didn’t have an answer to. It was Labours to lose and they did a good job.

The handling of the later parts of the pandemic are acknowledged even within Labour as handed poorly.

Every country has had ongoing economic effects but in lots of statistics we are going worse than a lot of other countries due to Labours policies.
Even you have to admit that the affects of covid began at the top of the world and we were one of the last to be affected.
Same goes with the aftermath.
Results will be delayed here
Every country has had ongoing economic effects but in lots of statistics we are going worse than a lot of other countries due to Labours policies.
The next 3 years will be telling, certainly will be expecting results with a complete change of direction because with so many countries facing the same challenges as ourselves in so many of the same areas, that excuse of it being all labours fault will wear thin.
Watching the cricket, where’s this Tamaki Makarau that it’s played? Its Auckland!

Oh… it’s on TVNZ… where the social engineering is strong. Thought you were sorting it out Winston?

And I will back up my argument. Lots of cities have European and lots have Maori names (Tauranga, Rotorua, Whangarei, Taupo, etc). These cities have a long history behind the names. Would the Maori like it if a Europeans decided to rename Tauranga to say Wizardton? It would be offensive and disrespectful to history. I’m entitled to the same view the other way. Auckland was a European settlement like Tauranga was predominantly Maori.

Let history be history and stop social engineering. Go get ‘em Winston!
Watching the cricket, where’s this Tamaki Makarau that it’s played? Its Auckland!

Oh… it’s on TVNZ… where the social engineering is strong. Thought you were sorting it out Winston?

And I will back up my argument. Lots of cities have European and lots have Maori names (Tauranga, Rotorua, Whangarei, Taupo, etc). These cities have a long history behind the names. Would the Maori like it if a Europeans decided to rename Tauranga to say Wizardton? It would be offensive and disrespectful to history. I’m entitled to the same view the other way. Auckland was a European settlement like Tauranga was predominantly Maori.

Let history be history and stop social engineering. Go get ‘em Winston!
This is what I think is going to hurt national in the long run, a majority of the country is moving towards embracing this.
This is what I think is going to hurt national in the long run, a majority of the country is moving towards embracing this.
Are they? I would argue Labours social engineering was a big factor in people being turned off them…

Aotearoa has only been used by the left and is now a symbol of social engineering.

I quite liked the name but got turned off it when it was forced in our faces rather than a natural community led move for change.

Again it’s offensive trying to remove European history and Maorify everything that they have no right to claim (Auckland name)
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Muller's two weeks as leader were memorable.
I think only nick smiths breakdown when approached by cameras about favourable treatment for bronwyn puller compares as mullers capitulation on camera. The john key/mccaw handshake was pretty cringeworthy as was him having to apologise for pulling a waitress’s hair. I could watch it on a montage for days.
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