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Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Probably not if they’re anything like chris luxon who was critical of the clean car subsidy and public sector learning Maori but collected them off the taxpayer nonetheless.
And you’ll be donating yours as well….. or will you to follow Luxon’s example?
Allegedly: The Green party stepped in and offering to pay (even once it was returned) and tried to shut it down in the hope that it would all go away.

That gets complicated when it could be seen as interference in a police investigation!

(No proof for the Johns of the world just rumour!)
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Sounds promising. Still waiting.
Wtf is new prioritizations and new revenue avenues.
What happened to the squeezed middle.
The major tax cut ✂️ promise turned out to be a dead rat Luxon had to swallow.
They will deliver them at any cost, they’ve campaigned 4 elections on them. Won 2 and not delivered and lost the third. 4th times a charm.
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Funny how covid applies when it suits but when mentioned for some of our economical misfortunes it shouldn’t factor? Mmm
Mmm. Compare two different things with two different timeframes. An election result vs ongoing economic conditions with policy influencing it. I think everyone has aknowledged COVID had an impact on the economy both locally and globally. Only the most ardent support would claim it's all COVID though.
National blames its loss on COVID…. Labour blames all that went wrong on COVID….. that virus really has a lot to answer for!!!
Surprised there hasn't been a Winston strain named. He has a lot to answer for as well.
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