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Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

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Sorry mate, but a lot of that is nonsense. We aren't far right by world standards. Which extreme right policies 20 years ago would be considered centre now?

As for the vitriol, it certainly works both ways. Ok Boomer? It's easier to point the finger and say male, white man than it is to actually realise that the majority of NZers don't want the country very far to the left or right of centre. There is a reason why the majority of the votes go to labour or national each election. It seems that minority parties that get generally 5-10 percent of the vote think that this is an indication or a mandate for them. The reality is the 'extreme' right and left parties (ACT and the Greens) get a similar share of the votes in general each election (+/- a margin). The real majority of NZers are happy, and rightly so, with a central position.
That's the problem though right? What actually is centre? And is centre even good if centre prevents us from actually building a decent society?

Here's some examples I can think of re: policies, although I could change 20 to 30 years ago:
Seeing a capital gains tax as abhorrent and not willing to implement one when the rest of the world actually do

Using immigration as a suppressant for wage growth

Normalisation of housing as a market good taking the focus of the needs of the population and using it as a vehicle for wealth extraction - New Zealand has one of the most expensive, overvalued housing markets in the world

Not taxing landlords and real estate capital gains fairly

Deliberate running down of government agencies and apparatus - then ad nauseum claiming small government is good, big government bad

The movement to the right of all mainstream political debate and media

Open racism in our political debates and elections being challenged openly less and less

The acceptance of so called presidential style electoral campaigns that offer nothing regarding any of the actual policies that parties will implement - which in this government's case are so far detrimental to the public good

The continued rise of tall poppy syndrome in this country - witness those who stick up for minorities and disadvantaged get shot down time and time again, and in public. As I've said before, heaven help you if you're not white and male as well

It's too nice a day to keep going, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head

Not having a bipartisan approach to infrastructure with a long term outlook

There's a poisonous conservatism creeping in around the world, and it's hitting here as well. They're burning books in America right now, and debating whether to charge women with murder if they have a miscarriage.

We should all be worried, regardless of our political leanings, and we should do our utmost to protect the hard fought freedoms, not some perverted slogan of "free speech" from the hard right. Scratch the surface of the three parties in power and you'll see some pretty nasty conservatism tinged with religious beliefs.
That's the problem though right? What actually is centre? And is centre even good if centre prevents us from actually building a decent society?

Here's some examples I can think of re: policies, although I could change 20 to 30 years ago:
Seeing a capital gains tax as abhorrent and not willing to implement one when the rest of the world actually do

Using immigration as a suppressant for wage growth

Normalisation of housing as a market good taking the focus of the needs of the population and using it as a vehicle for wealth extraction - New Zealand has one of the most expensive, overvalued housing markets in the world

Not taxing landlords and real estate capital gains fairly

Deliberate running down of government agencies and apparatus - then ad nauseum claiming small government is good, big government bad

The movement to the right of all mainstream political debate and media

Open racism in our political debates and elections being challenged openly less and less

The acceptance of so called presidential style electoral campaigns that offer nothing regarding any of the actual policies that parties will implement - which in this government's case are so far detrimental to the public good

The continued rise of tall poppy syndrome in this country - witness those who stick up for minorities and disadvantaged get shot down time and time again, and in public. As I've said before, heaven help you if you're not white and male as well

It's too nice a day to keep going, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head

Not having a bipartisan approach to infrastructure with a long term outlook

There's a poisonous conservatism creeping in around the world, and it's hitting here as well. They're burning books in America right now, and debating whether to charge women with murder if they have a miscarriage.

We should all be worried, regardless of our political leanings, and we should do our utmost to protect the hard fought freedoms, not some perverted slogan of "free speech" from the hard right. Scratch the surface of the three parties in power and you'll see some pretty nasty conservatism tinged with religious beliefs.
Sorry for hijacking Mr Brownstone's moment, please resume with pictures.
That's the problem though right? What actually is centre? And is centre even good if centre prevents us from actually building a decent society?
So you have made a bold statement about left and right but are now unsure what centre even is? Your definition of a decent society may not be the ideal or even achievable. Let alone what the majority want.

Using immigration as a suppressant for wage growth
In your opinion. Immigration is necessary. Having a low skilled, low productivity economy is the biggest suppressant of wages at the moment.
Seeing a capital gains tax as abhorrent and not willing to implement one when the rest of the world actually do

Normalisation of housing as a market good taking the focus of the needs of the population and using it as a vehicle for wealth extraction - New Zealand has one of the most expensive, overvalued housing markets in the world

Not taxing landlords and real estate capital gains fairly
All the rest of the world have a CGT? And is it working? Removing or limiting investment in housing has just been seen not to be a great answer. The government can't supply housing itself to provide for people.

What effect does our regulations and costs of building have on pricing of housing?

Or is a CGT the magic silver bullet.

Open racism in our political debates and elections being challenged openly less and less
Maybe. And if it is, it's both ways.

The movement to the right of all mainstream political debate and media
You started by questioning what even is centre and now you saying we are moving to the right with political debate and media.

Facts and evidence please, as you would say. All mainstream media has moved to the right? I seem to recall a recent media survey that completely refutes that. Unless you are saying they have moved right from where they were and are now more balanced.
The acceptance of so called presidential style electoral campaigns that offer nothing regarding any of the actual policies that parties will implement - which in this government's case are so far detrimental to the public good
Kind of agree with this. I would say we have moved more to personalty voting based on the leader of the main party's. Which is ok if they have the ability but when you end up, for example in 2017, with someone who had stardust and threw out made up policy on the fly during a political debate you end up with the results we have had. Maybe you are right about the media starting to move right (back closer to centre) they lapped up the last 6 years with very little questioning or scrutiny until it was too late.

The continued rise of tall poppy syndrome in this country - witness those who stick up for minorities and disadvantaged get shot down time and time again, and in public. As I've said before, heaven help you if you're not white and male as well
Nonsense. The continued use of white and male after carrying on about racism previously is telling. Again, if you can't argue your case on a policy or issue and have to resort to that then I would question your case to start with.

Can you give me an example of where someone has been shot down after standing up for a legitimate minority issue? People have a different view of what a potential answer is to issues as well, so just because they disagree doesn't mean they are shooting down anyone. Certainly wouldn't consider it tall poppy syndrome. I think you and I may have a different definition of tall poppy syndrome.

Not having a bipartisan approach to infrastructure with a long term outlook
Agreed, but also, with MMP there are other fringe parties that may have different views on what has been agreed by National and Labour. Ideology, from both sides can also make things incompatible.

Thhere's a poisonous conservatism creeping in around the world, and it's hitting here as well. They're burning books in America right now, and debating whether to charge women with murder if they have a miscarriage.
There is an equally poisonous liberalism creeping in around the world and it's hitting here as well. Cancel culture, lack of individual responsibility, etc

Like I say, the majority of people are fairly central in their views, however you want to define that.

We should all l be worried, regardless of our political leanings, and we should do our utmost to protect the hard fought freedoms, not some perverted slogan of "free speech" from the hard right. Scratch the surface of the three parties in power and you'll see some pretty nasty conservatism tinged with religious beliefs.
The good thing about this country, as I have already posted is that the general population vote for change when we go to far left or to far right. And I agree with them, to far left or right is not what is best for the country though the Greens and ACT would argue otherwise despite similar numbers voting for them and both being minority parties.
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The Atlas network is real. It's influence is insidious, they are here to undermine democratic process and promote authoritarianism
When are we going to get a deep dive documentary on Atlas and their global astroturf networks, or are there any already? Is our own kiwi Peter Thiel in it, he's openly anti-democracy.
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When are we going to get a deep dive documentary on Atlas and their global astroturf networks, or are there any already? Is our own kiwi Peter Thiel in it, he's openly anti-democracy.
George Monbiot has done excellent journalism and has a book in May -
View: https://twitter.com/GeorgeMonbiot/status/1743581219181199723 https://www.theguardian.com/comment...sunak-javier-milei-donald-trump-atlas-network

Their influence is all over the criminalisation of protest - I'm sadly half expecting to see moves like that here.

Hearing Winston Peters threaten journalists should be a chilling warning, although that's maybe more to do with the antivax conspiracy crowd.

Atlas and Thiel's beliefs seem to align.

Thiel was granted citizenship despite not meeting the right criteria, backed by National it looks like - https://www.theguardian.com/technol...ter-thiel-was-granted-new-zealand-citizenship

He also spoke at Atlas's anniversary with a keynote speech in 2021
George Monbiot has done excellent journalism and has a book in May -
View: https://twitter.com/GeorgeMonbiot/status/1743581219181199723 https://www.theguardian.com/comment...sunak-javier-milei-donald-trump-atlas-network

Their influence is all over the criminalisation of protest - I'm sadly half expecting to see moves like that here.

Hearing Winston Peters threaten journalists should be a chilling warning, although that's maybe more to do with the antivax conspiracy crowd.

Atlas and Thiel's beliefs seem to align.

Thiel was granted citizenship despite not meeting the right criteria, backed by National it looks like - https://www.theguardian.com/technol...ter-thiel-was-granted-new-zealand-citizenship

He also spoke at Atlas's anniversary with a keynote speech in 2021

It's scary when conspiracies turn out to be true. My cooker neighbour is constantly rabbiting on about the WEF great reset and fuckn Klaus Schwab, I said look into Atlas network and he looked at me blankly and said do you want a tinfoil hat bro.
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It's scary when conspiracies turn out to be true. My cooker neighbour is constantly rabbiting on about the WEF great reset and fuckn Klaus Schwab, I said look into Atlas network and he looked at me blankly and said do you want a tinfoil hat bro.
And of course the main underpinning is the taking of neoliberalism to it's extreme, completely ignoring the damage of the last 40 years.
Being that the last two full scale wars were defending democracy, you reckon another is brewing?
We can all see it's pretty grim, and there have been deliberate moves to break down relationships between groups (Putin, Trump, China, Iran etc) - they're all making moves now of some kind or other sadly.

You see this with the rise in authoritarianism, it's happening hand in hand. My mother survived ww 2 and she would be appalled but not unfamiliar with what's happening right now.
And of course the main underpinning is the taking of neoliberalism to it's extreme, completely ignoring the damage of the last 40 years.
I was following an X thread about Yuval Harari warning of the dangers of AI and transhumanism, the CT's were posting carefully edited clips of his Davos speeches making it look like he's actually advocating for it, unbelievable.
People were pointing out its actually Atlas Network pumping out all this WEF propaganda shit, Schwab is basically a glorified event organiser who wrote a pretty interesting book.
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