Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

I knew someone with Parkinson’s that went down hill over many years. Unfortunately they refused to retire in a highly regarded profession and ended up creating a huge mess for everyone around them.

Sad case where they couldn’t accept what was happening to them.

Health is so important. Good on @Inruin example where they owned it. But for many it can be a major life change where decisions are clouded by powerful drugs.
My mate was okay mentally as far as I could tell.
However he wasn't able to use the computer properly and now just spends his time staying home.
Sad as he was a mad trout fisherman and hunter.


I knew someone with Parkinson’s that went down hill over many years. Unfortunately they refused to retire in a highly regarded profession and ended up creating a huge mess for everyone around them.

Sad case where they couldn’t accept what was happening to them.

Health is so important. Good on @Inruin example where they owned it. But for many it can be a major life change where decisions are clouded by powerful drugs.
If her MS and heavy meds are causing this impulsive behaviour it's actually really sad and I feel for her, someone allegedly returned the items so possibe others know about it.

Does make you wonder how she can hold down her MP responsibilities with those symptoms, if it's true. Is kleptomania a diagnosable medical condition in the DSM Sup?
If true I can't imagine a more obvious case of Kleptomania.
Needs treatment if proved so.

Mental health is becoming more high profile in NZ politics.

Big picture stuff it helps with awareness.
Assuming she did it, this would explain it. It’s so strange and illogical, especially for a smart lawyer who has the income to afford it.

I’m a big fan of innocent until proven guilty but my gut says she’s acting like she’s hasn’t got much of a defence… she should be back from her holiday and front footing this, if she wants to save her career. Mud sticks and in a vacuum that mud is getting smeared everywhere.

But here’s the thing, knowing retail, it’s almost certain video footage is available. Just from reading into articles, I feel everyone knows it as well. Eg Greens contacting the shops and not coming out defending her…

Knowing politics well, this looks life a strategy of slowly leaking more bad news everyday…
Assuming she did it, this would explain it. It’s so strange and illogical, especially for a smart lawyer who has the income to afford it.

I’m a big fan of innocent until proven guilty but my gut says she’s acting like she’s hasn’t got much of a defence… she should be back from her holiday and front footing this, if she wants to save her career. Mud sticks and in a vacuum that mud is getting smeared everywhere.

But here’s the thing, knowing retail, it’s almost certain video footage is available. Just from reading into articles, I feel everyone knows it as well. Eg Greens contacting the shops and not coming out defending her…

Knowing politics well, this looks life a strategy of slowly leaking more bad news everyday…
Bit ambiguous there Wiz.
"A big fan of innocent until proved guilty "
And "assuming she did it ". 🙄
Bit ambiguous there Wiz.
"A big fan of innocent until proved guilty "
And "assuming she did it ". 🙄
She’s not proving herself innocent though, is she?

She’s got more important things to do like flouncing around on holiday weeks later after the Greens have already known 😉

Im picking she will resign before the end of January… but she’s innocent until that day!
She’s not proving herself innocent though, is she?

She’s got more important things to do like flouncing around on holiday weeks later after the Greens have already known 😉
As a fan of innocent until proven guilty doesn't she have the right to a fair hearing.
I am not a fan of hers but fairs fair.
You are only assuming and you have no fxxkin idea
just on Golriz,
there’s also a chance that like most shoplifters who can afford the things they steal, she just enjoys the thrill of it.
not to mention new shit for free.

my guess is she’ll just resign without addressing it.
shame really, i quite liked her take on some things.
I remember in my younger days working for The Warehouse and the alarm went off at the front door. Lawyer had tucked a video under his jacket and tried to walk out. Independence day I think the movie was. Was incredibly embarrassed and new the consequences to his career. Could easily afford it but couldn't say why he did it. From memory he ended up paying for it and making a $500 donation to the charity we were supporting at the time.
I remember in my younger days working for The Warehouse and the alarm went off at the front door. Lawyer had tucked a video under his jacket and tried to walk out. Independence day I think it was. Was incredibly embarrassed and new the consequences to his career. Could easily afford it but couldn't say why he did it. From memory he ended up paying for it and making a $500 donation to the charity we were supporting at the time.
Hopefully the charity was Multiple Sclerosis.
Assuming she did it, this would explain it. It’s so strange and illogical, especially for a smart lawyer who has the income to afford it.

I’m a big fan of innocent until proven guilty but my gut says she’s acting like she’s hasn’t got much of a defence… she should be back from her holiday and front footing this, if she wants to save her career. Mud sticks and in a vacuum that mud is getting smeared everywhere.

But here’s the thing, knowing retail, it’s almost certain video footage is available. Just from reading into articles, I feel everyone knows it as well. Eg Greens contacting the shops and not coming out defending her…

Knowing politics well, this looks life a strategy of slowly leaking more bad news everyday…
Agree with all of this.

Leaving the country you could view that in the light of a chain of impaired decision making.

She is entitled to diversion in law as a first offence, she had an excellent opportunity for name suppression moving forward and for the story to die down.

She is entitled to work leave on health grounds with the MS alone.

She is a high risk category for suicide.
I say that knowing I am stating the obvious, all people with terminal illnesses are.

Non violent crime she could confess (please note the if she has done something wrong and presumption of innocence).

But she could walk away no criminal record even if she fought a charge and lost.

Clearly she knows all this better than I and would have the very top legal counsel.
Time will tell if I’m a good judge of character 😉

Save this post 🤣
Don't make it about you and your opinions.
If she's guilty she deserves to be prosecuted.
If she's innocent which personally I doubt we'll have to wait and see.
Remember your statement "innocent until proven guilty ".
Nothing to do with you or your right wing garbage. A persons future is at stake
After the outcry over this it will be interesting to see if those investment properties owned by MPs on the left take advantage of the interest deductibility or not :D
I wonder how many MP’s who are against the Tax Cuts they’ll receive in their salary instead be donating the money they’ll be receiving?
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Scotties are also reported to have said that they would prefer the allegations to remain confidential..
Not sure if my answer is to do with why you ask but....here goes....

You can be sued, high profile, lawyer.....high holder of a high office...legal jeopardy much.
I wonder how many MP’s who are against the Tax Cuts they’ll receive in their salaryinstead be donating the money they’ll be receiving?
Probably not if they’re anything like chris luxon who was critical of the clean car subsidy and public sector learning Maori but collected them off the taxpayer nonetheless.
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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