Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

I use Linkedin regularly with my business .I am continually amazed about complaints of Government depts. use of consultants etc.
Then look at these guys profiles & they are: Aides, Leaders, Experts, Advisors.Consultants,Guides,Confidantes,Counsellors ,Guides,Analysts,Mentors.Etc Etc.
Does anyone do any work?Throw in Boards(jobs for the boys) & committees .Never ending non productivity.
And No cheap shots about superannuitants Wiz.( you will be one sooner than you think);)
At one of my old employers our team used to joke about the department on the second floor. Pretty much everyone was a Senior ... or a Director.

We assumed instead of pay rises they gave people flash titles.


1. Facts and figures please - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/new-z...gillespie-opinion/LMSPQ7KLHFHKNPTTKUPZJLVFNI/
If we are doing shit it's because of the reserve bank. Which is independent and manufactures recessions.

5. No don't agree the country is the worst it's been for a long time at all. It's been apparent throughout the entire Labour period that businesses from the outset were determined to maintain pessimism and negativity. I see that in certain people on here.

Untrammelled immigration, low wages, a tax cut for no one but the wealthy - none of that is good for anyone but the wealthy.

Oh and don't tax cuts fuel inflation? Pretty sure you'll find they do.
1. Talking inflation. The reserve bank has manufactured a recession because inflation has gotten out of control. Yes COVID played it's part globally previously. Now it is about policies that have caused internal inflation.

5. When has the country been in a worse state than it is now? You would have to go back a fair way to find it. Probably prior to the Clark/Cullen government and even then it was probably only economically that we were in the shit.
Here’s a free tip for 2024 for the people on here that complain houses are unaffordable.

There are basic house for sale for $600k in Tauranga. Get a partner, don’t get kids and it’s 4x your income.

Save half your income for 2 years and you have a deposit and serviceability. No avocados on toast, no alcohol, no going to live sporting events. Move back with mum and dad or live out of a car if you have to. Make it work. Suffer for the greater good for 2 years like we had to. Use KiwiSaver, first home grants, etc and make it even easier which I never had access to.

Buy a house and then you can quit complaining about neoliberalism and boomers. (I’m not a boomer)

After a few years eye roll at the younger generation who are saying how easy you had it.
Here’s a free tip for 2024 for the people on here that complain houses are unaffordable.

There are basic house for sale for $600k in Tauranga. Get a partner, don’t get kids and it’s 4x your income.

Save half your income for 2 years and you have a deposit and serviceability. No avocados on toast, no alcohol, no going to live sporting events. Move back with mum and dad or live out of a car if you have to. Make it work. Suffer for the greater good for 2 years like we had to. Use KiwiSaver, first home grants, etc and make it even easier which I never had access to.

Buy a house and then you can quit complaining about neoliberalism and boomers. (I’m not a boomer)

After a few years eye roll at the younger generation who are saying how easy you had it.
What's a polite humourous way of saying "oh fuck off Wiz"....... we were doing so well this morning :)

Where are the jobs? Tauranga doesn't have a wide range. Neither does anywhere else outside of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch.

Times have changed mate.

600k in Tauranga based on wages is still 8 x annual income.

I hope you're taking the piss with the rest of it.

Kiwisaver was intended for retirement, not trying to live.

Makes it a lot harder when wages are artificially suppressed and you're fired every 90 days too by unscrupulous employers who have donated to the ACT party.
What's a polite humourous way of saying "oh fuck off Wiz"....... we were doing so well this morning :)

Where are the jobs? Tauranga doesn't have a wide range. Neither does anywhere else outside of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch.

Times have changed mate.

600k in Tauranga based on wages is still 8 x annual income.

I hope you're taking the piss with the rest of it.

Kiwisaver was intended for retirement, not trying to live.

Makes it a lot harder when wages are artificially suppressed and you're fired every 90 days too by unscrupulous employers who have donated to the ACT party.
TBF. Wiz has a different perspective on life.
Living in an ivory tower will do that
What's a polite humourous way of saying "oh fuck off Wiz"....... we were doing so well this morning :)

Where are the jobs? Tauranga doesn't have a wide range. Neither does anywhere else outside of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch.

Times have changed mate.

600k in Tauranga based on wages is still 8 x annual income.

I hope you're taking the piss with the rest of it.

Kiwisaver was intended for retirement, not trying to live.

Makes it a lot harder when wages are artificially suppressed and you're fired every 90 days too by unscrupulous employers who have donated to the ACT party.
So much misinformation in your posts. Let's take the 90day trial period. It was already in place for employers with under 19 staff. It's been extended to all employers now. The Labour/Greens government campaigned on removing it at the 2017 election and then only ammended it to the under 19. Corrupt! Unscrupulous!

Where is the evidence that the policy has been widely misused as your claim states?

But hey, it's all ACTs fault 🤣
So much misinformation in your posts. Let's take the 90day trial period. It was already in place for employers with under 19 staff. It's been extended to all employers now. The Labour/Greens government campaigned on removing it at the 2017 election and then only ammended it to the under 19. Corrupt! Unscrupulous!

Where is the evidence that the policy has been widely misused as your claim states?

But hey, it's all ACTs fault 🤣
Please do highlight the misinformation

Please do highlight the misinformation

Your statement said workers getting fired every 90days. You said employers would be unscrupulous and they are all ACT donors. Nothing has changed in the law apart from every business can do use it rather than just the ones with fewer than 19 employees. If it has no impact on employment as your link suggests then you are at best scaremongering. The link you provided even states they found no evidence of the law being exploited by employers. Show me where there is wide spread misuse of the policy and if there is why didn't it get completely repealed by the previous government.

So yes, complete misinformation on your behalf.
Your statement said workers getting fired every 90days. You said employers would be unscrupulous and they are all ACT donors. Nothing has changed in the law apart from every business can do use it rather than just the ones with fewer than 19 employees. If it has no impact on employment as your link suggests then you are at best scaremongering. The link you provided even states they found no evidence of the law being exploited by employers. Show me where there is wide spread misuse of the policy and if there is why didn't it get completely repealed by the previous government.

So yes, complete misinformation on your behalf.
Sorry Inruin, that's my sense of humour - deliberately being a bit over the top, I didn't mean to wind you up, only Wiz. And given it's in the future it hasn't happened yet.

It was just me being a bit silly, although ACT are completely unscrupulous.
Please do highlight the misinformation

Actually, the Treasury report stated that the "results suggest that the policy increased hiring in industries (such as construction) with high use of trial periods by 10.3 percent."

The report also decided not to focus on all employers but only a very small range of employers with between 15-24 workers, yet, according to data from Informetrics, the average number of employees employed in 2017 was just over 4. Because of the small data set they choose to use, it's impossible to know how many extra people were employed because of the 90-day work trial.

The other issue is, why was the 90-day trials established in the first place? It wasn't about increasing the number of people employed but to give employers confidence about employing someone. A report on 90-day trials, published in 2012 by the Department of Labour (before it was part of MBIE), found 41% of employers would not have hired their most recent employee without a trial period.
Sorry Inruin, that's my sense of humour - deliberately being a bit over the top, I didn't mean to wind you up, only Wiz. And given it's in the future it hasn't happened yet.

It was just me being a bit silly, although ACT are completely unscrupulous.
All good. I enjoy your posts for the most part, except for the over the top bits! ACT bad, Greens good...

I must say the last few pages have been much better discussion overall from everyone, rather than the previously emotional, personal attacks and rants. I think people would be a bit naive not to see that there are good and bad policies across all parties. The country is generally centralist with minor shifts to the right or left depending on what is going on at the time. I think that's the right place to be. Too much neglect and poor results in the key areas and lack of acountibility has seen a change of government. If there is similar from this government then people will vote them out too. From what we have seen it's clear the country isn't in great shape. I do think a wild swing to ACT is equally as bad overall as a wild swing to the Greens/TPM and I hope that never happens.
All good. I enjoy your posts for the most part, except for the over the top bits! ACT bad, Greens good...

I must say the last few pages have been much better discussion overall from everyone, rather than the previously emotional, personal attacks and rants. I think people would be a bit naive not to see that there are good and bad policies across all parties. The country is generally centralist with minor shifts to the right or left depending on what is going on at the time. I think that's the right place to be. Too much neglect and poor results in the key areas and lack of acountibility has seen a change of government. If there is similar from this government then people will vote them out too. From what we have seen it's clear the country isn't in great shape. I do think a wild swing to ACT is equally as bad overall as a wild swing to the Greens/TPM and I hope that never happens.
Deadpan exaggeration doesn't work so well on the keyboard :)
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