The Atlas network influence in Australia and New Zealand
I guess we have to be careful in case in looks like a conspiracy theory.
But it is actually - more of a conspiracy to concentrate wealth, promote neoliberalism as the only way, use tobacco industry tactics to deny climate change, deny indigenous rights and ensure the right retain power.
Their mission in part is to limit democratic action
From 1997 to 2017, the Kochs funneled $127,006,756 to 92 organizations that advance the Kochs’ attacks on climate change science while presenting themselves as experts. These organizations are listed below: The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) disseminates climate science denial...
Seymour himself references his old friends the atlas network:
The ACT Party represents hard-working Kiwis who believe in the best of our values. Free speech and fair play. Rational debate, not the dogma of ‘left v. right’.
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They will be funding Act, National and probably Nz First