I know. It would be like setting up an "independent" Tax Working Group headed by Michael Cullen (who lost an election on a CPT policy) to investigate whether NZ should have a Capital Gains Tax.
Or getting the IRD to investigate the top tax earners in NZ.... not to create policy based on it but to fill an information gap as to their worth.... and then have two of the three parties on the left use the report to justify their tax policies.
Or having a 3 Waters report which included centralising the water systems written by the gentleman who wrote the report that established Scotland's version of 3 Waters.
And then when there is actually some independence like with a Royal Commission, the Terms of Reference are often written in a way to either favour the current government or to find against the previous government.... the Terms of Reference for NZ's COVID response comes to mind. Or the ToR are written in such a way that the report will recommend what the government wanted in the first place by limiting what can, and more importantly for the required outcome, what can't be included in the Royal Commission's findings.
Whether we like it or not, it happens with every government.
It's all gamesmanship at our expense, and quite frankly, I'm sick of it!!!