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Politics đź—łď¸Ź NZ Politics

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You're kinda agreeing Labour didn't sit on their hands.
The previous government committed NZ to building a ferry terminal in Wellington designed to last 100 years but, by NZ Rails own admission, will be under water in half that time. Unless it’s been decided to repurpose it as submarine pens, it seems a multi-billion dollar waste of money to me.

The same as 3 Waters was. Scotland went down the same path as us to centralise their water and it was supposed to get them better water quality. The designer of their system is the same gentleman who wrote the original 3 Waters report. Problem is, instead of improving their water system, it’s worse with almost twice the number of boil water days than NZ has yet Scotland has a similar population as NZ.

Why instead of spending billions of dollars so the government can acquire assets which are already publicly owned and then spending billions more upgrading the systems, instead save the money buying the assets and give the money to the councils the upgrade their systems? Instead of spending money buying the assets, use that money on public transport, eduction, health, welfare, social housing, cleaning waterways or hundreds of needs NZ has.
The previous government committed NZ to building a ferry terminal in Wellington designed to last 100 years but, by NZ Rails own admission, will be under water in half that time. Unless it’s been decided to repurpose it as submarine pens, it seems a multi-billion dollar waste of money to me.

The same as 3 Waters was. Scotland went down the same path as us to centralise their water and it was supposed to get them better water quality. The designer of their system is the same gentleman who wrote the original 3 Waters report. Problem is, instead of improving their water system, it’s worse with almost twice the number of boil water days than NZ has yet Scotland has a similar population as NZ.

Why instead of spending billions of dollars so the government can acquire assets which are already publicly owned and then spending billions more upgrading the systems, instead save the money buying the assets and give the money to the councils the upgrade their systems? Instead of spending money buying the assets, use that money on public transport, eduction, health, welfare, social housing, cleaning waterways or hundreds of needs NZ has.
Great idea
I wonder why the current mob havent announced something like that.
Probably have been too busy criticising and not working on the alternatives
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For the last few years they have been critical of 3 waters and have never come up with a better solution.
In the meantime our water issues are getting worse by the day.
Nationals 3 waters solution - basically keeping it how it is but drive higher standards:

National Government will set and enforce strict water quality standards and require councils to invest in the ongoing maintenance and replacement of their vital water infrastructure, while keeping control of the assets that their ratepayers have paid for.

National will:
  • Repeal Three Waters and scrap the four co-governed mega-entities
  • Restore council ownership and control
  • Set strict rules for water quality and investment in infrastructure
  • Ensure water services are financially sustainable

“Under National, councils will be required to demonstrate a clear plan to deliver ongoing investment in water infrastructure. Those plans will need to be approved by the Minister of Local Government.

“While water quality regulator Taumata Arowai will set strict standards for water quality, National will establish a Water Infrastructure Regulator within the Commerce Commission to set and enforce standards for long-term water infrastructure investment.

“Councils will be required to ringfence money for water infrastructure and not spend it on other services instead.
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WE. CAN'T. AFFORD. A. TAX. CUT. Nicola Willis is pointing out all sorts of financial cliffs.
- Labour increased the top tax rate to 39%
- Increased the trust tax rate
- Never increased the tax bands with inflation, forcing people into paying higher tax
- Introduced interest deductibility tax
- Extended the brightline tax form 2 to 10 years
- Increased the petrol taxes, smoking taxes, alcohol taxes, ute taxes, etc, etc

Why, with a HUGE increase in new tax sources, does government need so much?
Why can’t we have some tax relief for middle NZers?
Nationals 3 waters solution - basically keeping it how it is but drive higher standards:

National Government will set and enforce strict water quality standards and require councils to invest in the ongoing maintenance and replacement of their vital water infrastructure, while keeping control of the assets that their ratepayers have paid for.

National will:
  • Repeal Three Waters and scrap the four co-governed mega-entities
  • Restore council ownership and control
  • Set strict rules for water quality and investment in infrastructure
  • Ensure water services are financially sustainable

“Under National, councils will be required to demonstrate a clear plan to deliver ongoing investment in water infrastructure. Those plans will need to be approved by the Minister of Local Government.

“While water quality regulator Taumata Arowai will set strict standards for water quality, National will establish a Water Infrastructure Regulator within the Commerce Commission to set and enforce standards for long-term water infrastructure investment.

“Councils will be required to ringfence money for water infrastructure and not spend it on other services instead.
So basically what you are saying in your usual round about way is rates will have to increase.
Watch the News right now.
Your theory has never worked in the past and that's why we have the situation we see today

WE CAN'T AFFORD A TAX CUT. We never needed one. All bullshit, and now it's being paid for by our infrastructure, people's lives through more smoking, cutting out walking and cycling initiatives etc etc.

This was never in the National election promises. What a surprise.

Instead we're sacrificing New Zealand's future on the altar of the Landlord class

That link is Craig Renney's editorial in the Post
I’ve read it and it seems to compare the ferries cost vs landlord tax cost, with the landlord tax 12 times the cost to government.

Bad comparison.

The ferry cost is uneconomic and will not deliver benefits for the $125 per year it will cost my family.

What it really highlights, by a rough calculation, is that each rental pays about $4,000 per year in tax! ($242 pp x5m divided by 30% renters). We should never tax peoples homes, which is just paid by passing through in increased rent as a business expense that needs to be covered. Diabolical policy that just hammerings tenants.

We need to get back to getting the fundamentals right. Tax productivity and spend it wisely on infrastructure that gets best bang for buck. Neither of the above achieve this.
So basically what you are saying in your usual round about way is rates will have to increase.
Watch the News right now.
Your theory has never worked in the past and that's why we have the situation we see today
How would Labour magically get higher standards without the user paying more under 3 waters?

Either way the same money will need to be spent and passed on to us in one way or another.
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WE CAN'T AFFORD A TAX CUT. We never needed one. All bullshit, and now it's being paid for by our infrastructure, people's lives through more smoking, cutting out walking and cycling initiatives etc etc.

This was never in the National election promises. What a surprise.

Instead we're sacrificing New Zealand's future on the altar of the Landlord class

That link is Craig Renney's editorial in the Post
I want a tax cut even though I'm on a low threshold. Look at it this way. The less tax everyone pays, the less money, this and any other Govt has to waste.
I want a tax cut even though I'm on a low threshold. Look at it this way. The less tax everyone pays, the less money, this and any other Govt has to waste.
So tax cuts aren't looking likely but rate rises are almost certain.
They're pissing off more people than those people who are happy.
Think about the South Islanders who have been claiming to be cut off for years.
Jeez, wouldn’t mind someone a bit more neutral than bill english to head the inquiry into kainga ora spending.
So tax cuts aren't looking likely but rate rises are almost certain.
They're pissing off more people than those people who are happy.
Think about the South Islanders who have been claiming to be cut off for years.

Can see grants going for Maori and Pacific students as a review is about to commence. The ones that Shane Reti benefited from by the looks. At least it would be consistent with the hypocrisy from their leader.
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