Would each Contestant be able to make a separate post you will maintain throughout this game and update after each Round
1) Please give your team a name
2) Please list your acquired players - you may wish to fill in spots of a 1-17 and an extended squad of 18-22 - but I will leave it up to you just please list your players
3) Please show the changing balance of your War chest round by round. IE list each round and show a different amount - don't just have a current balance. This will make it easier for me to audit. Please be careful to calculate your war chest correctly. You are on your honour code to report it correctly as I will only intermittently spot check.
4) to help with auditing list next to each player the price you paid.
Would each Contestant be able to make a separate post you will maintain throughout this game and update after each Round
1) Please give your team a name
2) Please list your acquired players - you may wish to fill in spots of a 1-17 and an extended squad of 18-22 - but I will leave it up to you just please list your players
3) Please show the changing balance of your War chest round by round. IE list each round and show a different amount - don't just have a current balance. This will make it easier for me to audit. Please be careful to calculate your war chest correctly. You are on your honour code to report it correctly as I will only intermittently spot check.
4) to help with auditing list next to each player the price you paid.