Social đź§› PSA - Social Media - Impact on mental health

Pfft go and eat any of the gluten free versions of regular food and get back to me. Some of it is fucking horrendous.

My recommendation? Make a vegetarian cognac pasta with vegetarian bacon and tell me how you managed to make it yum lol
Just discovered "Well & Good" cheesy mac mushroom pasta. It's going to become a favourite. Really tasty , vegan & g/f. Might do something for your vegan bacon. Geting some different stuff from the Gluten Free Shop. It makes a hole in our food budget but it also adds to well being so worth the price just to feel normal in my book
I see where you are coming from- didn't mean to imply I only eat pizza, icecream & chocolate. the following was our g/f menu for this week :
Monday - Roast chcken with a selection of roasted winter vegetables & g/f gravy + apple crumble & cream
Tuesday - Nacho mince + banana, & manderin with yoghurt
Wednesday - Fresh hoki, lightly crumbrd & served with a mixed green salad, tomatoes & boiled potatoes Follwed by a scoop if rum & raisin icecream
Thursday - Beef Strog + Tinned peaches & yoghurt
Friday - it's getting toward the weekend so I'm winding down a bit - Grilled bacon , egg & mushrooms. Repaet desert of peaches & yoghurt
Tonight it's WARRIOR time : Curried chicken & rice with a few mixed frozen veg thrown in. Followed by more rum & raisin icrecrem & a couple of glasses of cider if you don't mind - Cheers
Sunday - Probably common old sausages & mash with assorted leftover veges. Depending on Sat's result - might even be roast beef - definately NOT a pizza . Here's to a win for the Wahs eh Mr F White ;)
Fucking love it
The only thing I want to chip in is that is important to have good relationships in your life. Honour your mother and Father even if they have faults and get on well with your sisters and brothers even if they offended you ten years ago in a family drama. Do all those things and they will be there for you in a mental health situation and support you through it. Family and firends are very important when you are struggling. The worst thing that can happen is for you to hit rock bottom and be isolated when it happens.
If you are isolated but healthy right now be aware there can be insidious impacts of this that can lead to a stress meltdown so in all it helps to work on forgiveness and relationships. Where possible as I know this can be hard sometimes.


One of the best posts in this forum from you Wrighty Wrighty

Couldn’t agree with you more
Needless to say, for your own sanity... don't watch the first half of the Titans Vs The Warriors.