He's not the only one I have seen on here either.
There are some really good posters on here that you can have a great discussion with regardless of whether you have a different opinion or not.
Regardless of your previous or current involvement in the game or even lack of it, why does that make an opinion or view or thought any more or less valid? And if it is something you don't agree with or think isn't right, surely discussing it and providing a
worthwhile counter point or ignoring it is far better than name calling or posting shit that neither adds to the topic or adds to the forum.
'You haven't got a clue' or 'I bet you've never played the game' or 'insert non clever name calling here' is really a pathetic response to posters who are on a public forum sharing their views, thoughts and opinions. Let alone assuming those posters aren't involved in some way. Add to that, there are plenty involved in the game who have no clue also.
@Wrighty who is new to league, no flames, has some very astute observations. Some quite weird ones too though!
@MrFrankWhite I find fairly logical and I can 99% of the time follow his thinking of why he has a certain opinion on a player or issue.
Neither of these posters I agree with on everything but I certainly appreciate their posts and contributions. They also have life experiences that they can translate across to this great game and club we follow.
Sorry for the rant, but I think some posters need to pull their heads in and either contribute better, ignore posters that don't add anything or aren't worth responding too and/or accept that other people are doing the same.