Hopefully, we can get a fully fit CNK, SJ, and RTS before the year is out. I want to see if CNK and SJ can link back up on that old block play on the right, and I want to see RTS back at left centre again, with maybe CHT inside him instead.
That's assuming we can get a less dominant SJ, so CHT isn't standing with his hands in his pockets like Te Maire was, and Roger gets some half-decent ball in the opp. 20.
Maybe just repeating the same old mistakes, but I still like to imagine that 1. Charnze, 2. Dallin, 4. Roger, 7. Shaun are the best options in those spots. If it isn't, I can only hope Webby might ease up on his stubbornness with Fullback and try Charnze at centre with Roger at the back.