General WARRIORS Random Thread

You might have heard the 3 headed Taniwha referring to the government.
My 3 headed Tani-Wahs for the 2024 season. SJ to lead the team, AFB to take the forwards forward & DWZ to score another 24 tries.
Be interesting to see the final membership numbers this season. All the corporate opportunities have gone.
League Unlimited claims to track membership numbers, but neither they or the NRL have posted Warriors membership stats for a few years. It can be sketchy territory anyway, because 'member' covers a range of different packages, not just season pass holders. Last year, Cameron George said in a radio interview in the lead-up to the Knights playoff something like 'if every Warriors fan bought three tickets we'd still only have sold about 20000'. (He was trying to allay fears that there'd be none left after the pre-sales.) That suggests around 6-6500. They're currently saying the first game is half-sold, so what'd that be?: about 10,000 season passes with another 2000 or so single game tickets?
Can't paste the article as I'm on my phone but we're in the strongest commercial position in our history according to this.

Can't paste the article as I'm on my phone but we're in the strongest commercial position in our history according to this.
I would be very cautious about anything coming out of RNZ, they have a record of poorly researched stories in recent times.

Very surprised by this. I am not an expert on game day experience at Mt Smart having only been once - but this seems a very, very odd decision given how iconic the drummers are to the Warriors club (and that is from a fan not based in Auckland). Sure, heaps of other clubs have dance troupes at their game day experience, but we are not other clubs.
For mine, this is the first disappointing decision out of the club for some time...
Really sad. Hopefully they get enough feedback to reinstate them, even if its just for the themed rounds like the heritage round. 28 years of tradition shouldn't go with just over 3 months notice and that "signature" comment makes it all the more odd. I think there is room for both if they want to have some dance troupe.
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