Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

I don't know. I think there is a bit of a groundswell appearing now where people are realizing that education is failing. I think that stems from the fact everything is failing at the moment and previously if one thing was it wasn't a big deal. I actually can't see how teachers can defend the results or resist change anymore. The evidence is quite clear that we are going backwards. It's going to be interesting watching what unfolds.
Bring out a fancy new name for doing the same but differently backed by academics. It will be theory based not evidence based. It will be based on ‘personalities and cultures’ not results.

Take another 10 years before anyone realised it hasn’t made any difference…

Rinse and repeat


Bring out a fancy new name for doing the same but differently backed by academics. It will be theory based not evidence based. It will be based on ‘personalities and cultures’ not results.

Take another 10 years before anyone realised it hasn’t made any difference…

Rinse and repeat
First order of business. Bring back the strap and bring back the cane.
What are we advocating here, who's corrupting our institutions and doing tiktok psyops on us, commies? Not on my lawn they won't.

@MrFrankWhite who should we vote for sarge? I'm thinking David Seymour makes more sense every day, what's next, dancing Ukranians?
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Let the games begin!

Federated Farmers and other industry groups have been approached by the Ministry for the Environment and offered hundreds of thousands of dollars to help rush through plans under the new Resource Management legislation just weeks out from the election, which National have pledged to scrap…

It seems that the Ministry has decided if they can rush through enough changes before the election, the next Government may decide that the reforms have gone too far to unwind.

I expect the same to be happening for fair pay agreements and 3 waters. The same games Cullen played in 2008.
Take a look at the financial predictions for our closest neighbors Australia.
Predictions are not good
Current account balance - Nz dead last in the world -8.4% of gdp. Australia surplus of 1.8%
At least on here we should stick to the facts.
IMF Growth 2024 - NZ 159 out of 160 countries for predicted growth next year on a miserly 0.8% growth (after being in recession this year). Australias growth is double at 1.7% growth.

Current account balance - Nz dead last in the world -8.4% of gdp. Australia surplus of 1.8%
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IMF Growth 2024 - NZ 159 out of 160 countries for predicted growth next year on a miserly 0.8% growth (after being in recession this year). Australias growth is double at 1.7% growth.

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Yeah some countries are doing well.
Lots are not.
Contrary to your post of the rest of the world is booming.
Yeah some countries are doing well.
Lots are not.
Contrary to your post of the rest of the world is booming.
We’re the only country in the Asia/ pacific region currently in recession. Relative to us, everyone else is booming!

And next year is supposed to be worse. We have major fundamental structural economic issues.

A vote for Labour is doing the same and expecting different results which is the definition of insanity.
We’re the only country in the Asia/ pacific region currently in recession. Relative to us, everyone else is booming!

And next year is supposed to be worse. We have major fundamental structural economic issues.

A vote for Labour is doing the same and expecting different results which is the definition of insanity.
Asia/Pacific is hardly the rest of the world but point taken.
Economic predictions are notoriously wrong at around 90%.
People in Australia are complaining about exactly the same things as here.
You will be aware that the candidates in Tauranga are very limited to say the least.
1 - make sure kids turn up. The standards at the moment are low expectations from being kind.
2 - use international tried and true teaching - we have continually tried to reinvent the wheel in NZ and failed (open plan classrooms, move away from core subjects, favouring strategies rather than rote, etc)
3 - govt led expectations and curriculum expectations by year. Our kids have repeated stuff multiple years and not learnt basics in other areas. Big gaps and the system enables it. Our kids have learnt the treaty of Waitangi for social studies EVERY SINGLE YEAR and now know little about the world/ history - except the treaty.
4 - as someone with knowledge of ECE, the ECE curriculum is a joke and an excuse to say anything and everything is being ‘taught’. Way too broad with no expectations of what kids should learn. At all. Or when. Child led learning is daft and can only result in gaps. The variability of kids starting school is staggering.
5 - there is no continuity from ECE to primary to intermediate to college to university. Everyone literally does their own thing.
6 - I don’t know how to fix it but the power balance is too much with the students. Kids are now responsible for their learning without the maturity to handle it.
35 years ago when they got a grocery executive to redesign the education system, most experienced educationalists (the ones who actually know something) told them where they were going wrong.

Not just that he was wrong, but where he was wrong and how to get it right.

It is not rocket science to an educationalist, it is common-sense, but it wasn't to a grocery executive, and they are still going down the same path because they don't want to admit they were so wrong.
No, there isn't a one thing to fix and everything will be fine scenario here.
No there isn't, however there is a very simple solution offered by a Canadian expert they got in way back last century.

The Canadian system, based on their Scots heritage, was different to ours. Scots have had a long history of valuing education, so that people could read the farking bible, but I digress.

He told them, the most important component in education is the teacher. So place some value on your teachers.

No farking way said the politicians, they are just over paid trendy lefty bludgers. That is a sentiment easy to sell, and it sold.

So welcome to the real world suckers.

Rant over.
The study and report field is well and truly corrupted.
Good morning.

What is a consultant.

A consultant is a person who you ask the time, he asks to borrow your watch, he tells you the time, gives you your watch back with a big bill.

Actually that isn't always true, sometimes the consultant asks the management (who pay the bill), what they want to hear. He writes that up and sends the the bill to the board

Now you ladies and jellybeans who have worked with councils know that to be true, don't you? Except the ratepayers pays.

Geez you are grumpy today Bruce :eek:
I've been away for work the last 4 days stuck in data centres. So haven't really kept up with the news in great detail. Besides quick glances at news apps or listening to the radio while driving to and from site or hotels.

What have seen is pretty much every party having issues with any policy they announce. I know it is normal for parties to disagree but with the low bar we have for politicians at the moment it seems more like they haven't been thought through.

Elsewhere Willie Jackson yelling lies because he's under pressure in a debate. Andrew Little saying National is going to sack all of the teachers. Hipkins saying disabled people get free public transport under his government and National will cut it, oh wait half price under his government.

To quote Jack Reacher DETAILS MATTER.

If you are going to shout down another parties policies at least know what your is. If you are going to announce something, what are the other parties doing and what are the consequences for your policy.
WTF is Baldy doing promising to put chargers for Teslas and Tea Leafs all over the country at our expense.

Shouldn't this be something that the electricity suppliers should be into to and/or a bit of virtue signaling for the likes of BP?
Labour was talking about doing this a few months ago. Wood announced before he forgot he had a share portfolio.

Not sure how either party sees this working. If they are free or not. A lot of people don't fill up their cars with petrol now imagine how many will forget to charge them before they go on holiday. Could end up with some long queues on the side of the highways.

There was an article a few years ago about Z wanting to put fast chargers in stations. The petrol stations probably need to think of something as the move EVs the less cars that will go to them to fill up. I can't recall if the article said 15 or 45 minutes to fast charge. A lot of stations probably aren't designed for someone to park that long. Also need to keep the driver plus passengers occupied unless they go shopping. Could be a chance for a new business to disrupt the traditional station model.
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