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Some things are out of our control and others are. Better educational standards surely should be in our control but even that will take over a decade to see beneficial improvements in my opinion.

Roger Douglas wasn't popular but sometimes radical change and some pain are needed to improve things for the future.

I'll leave the Nazi Germany comment alone.
What fundamental education standards are going to change other than maybe less ideology allegedly. Teachers still teach core subjects, math, science and literacy. All they will change is the method of measuring them again.


What fundamental education standards are going to change other than maybe less ideology allegedly. Teachers still teach core subjects, math, science and literacy. All they will change is the method of measuring them again.
There is a whole discussion on this already.... Oh wait... Some Turkish dick ruined all that. They way teachers teach core subjects can be improved. Fundamentals not dumbing down. Certainly needs to be some measures in place. Luckily I have a number of ECE, primary teachers and DPs as friends and family. Seeing some of the methods they were teaching my boys for maths for example were a waste of time without them learning the core basics first. Trying to understand where they were and where they should be was far more difficult than it should have been and for me 'kids learn at different speeds' shouldn't be used as a reason not to be clear about this. And that's just the tip of it. Getting kids to school, making sure they are fed and participating, have the resources required, core skills, measured results, etc etc

It's clear that what we have currently is producing poorer results year on year, yet on we go.
There is a whole discussion on this already.... Oh wait... Some Turkish dick ruined all that. They way teachers teach core subjects can be improved. Fundamentals not dumbing down. Certainly needs to be some measures in place. Luckily I have a number of ECE, primary teachers and DPs as friends and family. Seeing some of the methods they were teaching my boys for maths for example were a waste of time without them learning the core basics first. Trying to understand where they were and where they should be was far more difficult than it should have been and for me 'kids learn at different speeds' shouldn't be used as a reason not to be clear about this. And that's just the tip of it. Getting kids to school, making sure they are fed and participating, have the resources required, core skills, measured results, etc etc

It's clear that what we have currently is producing poorer results year on year, yet on we go.
Do you blame the drop in core learning on a "kids learn at different speeds" philosophy in the Ministry, and will National change this? This is kind of like a Jack Tame interview.
Do you blame the drop in core learning on a "kids learn at different speeds" philosophy in the Ministry, and will National change this? This is kind of like a Jack Tame interview.
No, there isn't a one thing to fix and everything will be fine scenario here. What I meant by that comment was I see it used as a reason why measuring where a student is currently as being less relevant than perhaps it should be. Do I think National will make changes. Yes, they have already indicated that they will when it comes to measuring students learning.
The disadvantaged suffered under Key and continued to under Jacinda, does anyone really think Luxon's team of superstars will turn that trend, doubt it.
Thanks to the Auckland City Mission things could be a lot worse. Some of the streets in Merka are full of homeless people. I know it is tempting to say "get a job" but mental health issues come into it as well.
What fundamental education standards are going to change other than maybe less ideology allegedly.
1 - make sure kids turn up. The standards at the moment are low expectations from being kind.
2 - use international tried and true teaching - we have continually tried to reinvent the wheel in NZ and failed (open plan classrooms, move away from core subjects, favouring strategies rather than rote, etc)
3 - govt led expectations and curriculum expectations by year. Our kids have repeated stuff multiple years and not learnt basics in other areas. Big gaps and the system enables it. Our kids have learnt the treaty of Waitangi for social studies EVERY SINGLE YEAR and now know little about the world/ history - except the treaty.
4 - as someone with knowledge of ECE, the ECE curriculum is a joke and an excuse to say anything and everything is being ‘taught’. Way too broad with no expectations of what kids should learn. At all. Or when. Child led learning is daft and can only result in gaps. The variability of kids starting school is staggering.
5 - there is no continuity from ECE to primary to intermediate to college to university. Everyone literally does their own thing.
6 - I don’t know how to fix it but the power balance is too much with the students. Kids are now responsible for their learning without the maturity to handle it.
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No, there isn't a one thing to fix and everything will be fine scenario here. What I meant by that comment was I see it used as a reason why measuring where a student is currently as being less relevant than perhaps it should be. Do I think National will make changes. Yes, they have already indicated that they will when it comes to measuring students learning.
They'll change methods of measuring achievement again, how will they improve it is the question, I doubt we're looking at an Asian-style regimented study revolution.

I can't give you much of an argument because I see very little difference between the two major parties, biggest difference is which flavour of nut case they have to negotiate a coalition with. (Also because I have no facts to back up my opinions, the world-weary cynicism of Clint Eastwood, and the attention span of Jack Wighton.)
They'll change methods of measuring achievement again, how will they improve it is the question, I doubt we're looking at an Asian-style regimented study revolution.

I can't give you much of an argument because I see very little difference between the two major parties, biggest difference is which flavour of nut case they have to negotiate a coalition with. (Also because I have no facts to back up my opinions, the world-weary cynicism of Clint Eastwood, and the attention span of Jack Wighton.)
Fact is the Ministry of Education and teacher unions run education.

Labour can bring in change but they haven’t got a clue.

Anything National try to do will be resisted and white anted until it fails.

It actually needs change to come from within and I don’t see it happening any time soon.
1 - make sure kids turn up. The standards at the moment are low expectations from being kind.
This is true.
2 - use international tried and true teaching - we have continually tried to reinvent the wheel in NZ and failed (open plan classrooms, move away from core subjects, favouring strategies rather than rote, etc)
Most “international standards” are in decline. USA UK AUS etc. Do the opposite. Polymetric testing. Introduce things like driving, civics and personal finance.
3 - govt led expectations and curriculum expectations by year. Our kids have repeated stuff multiple years and not learnt basics in other areas. Big gaps and the system enables it. Our kids have learnt the treaty of Waitangi for social studies EVERY SINGLE YEAR and now know little about the world/ history - except the treaty.
100% needs to be an independent over seeing body like engineers. With accountability.
Fact is the Ministry of Education and teacher unions run education.

Labour can bring in change but they haven’t got a clue.

Anything National try to do will be resisted and white anted until it fails.

It actually needs change to come from within and I don’t see it happening any time soon.
So it'll be another hopeless exercise ending in failure, colour me shocked.
Trades are in major decline. Maybe if the govt ran proper trade schools instead of propping up residential housing, it wouldn’t be impossible to find low tolerance specialty metal welders.

And forcing a diesel mechanic to learn about Napoleonic history is kinda stupid.
So it'll be another hopeless exercise ending in failure, colour me shocked.
I don't know. I think there is a bit of a groundswell appearing now where people are realizing that education is failing. I think that stems from the fact everything is failing at the moment and previously if one thing was it wasn't a big deal. I actually can't see how teachers can defend the results or resist change anymore. The evidence is quite clear that we are going backwards. It's going to be interesting watching what unfolds.
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