Politics šŸ—³ļø NZ Politics


More fundamentally is what's behind it Frank. And the motivation is greed and wealth extraction at a scale we've never seen before.
You talk about the coalition privatising everything every other post since National took over but National havenā€™t and wonā€™t privatise anything this termā€¦ šŸ„±

Great economic leadership by Luxon ever saying he will take it to the voters if they want to sell anything.
I am looking at it from a perspective of someone running a business, generating and income and claiming deductions with a nexus to revenue. (Ie aligning the principles of deductions with other activities)

I like the element of the interest limitation rules rewarding new dwellings. But I donā€™t think limiting interest deductions is the best tool to achieve it as it drives an unequal tax system

Iā€™d prefer a loosening up of residential zoning and RC rules to achieve the housing availability and stability
Isn't the residential housing sector somewhat propped up by socialism in the form of the MSD accommodation supplement paid to low income earners? Why does no one mention this.
You talk about the coalition privatising everything every other post since National took over but National havenā€™t and wonā€™t privatise anything this termā€¦ šŸ„±

Great economic leadership by Luxon ever saying he will take it to the voters if they want to sell anything.
National is all in on this, they're just happy for act to take the heat. A double axis play.
How embarrassing for our forum echo chamber....

EXACTLY what Maybetop8 has been saying in this thread & being relentlessly bullied by this forum for is the agenda.

Underfund public services, run them down and then use that as an excuse to sell to your mates. Neoliberalism 101.

To manufacture crises on multiple fronts.

But if you can defund it, it wonā€™t be in good shape. And there is a standard technique of privatization, namely defund what you want to privatize.
Please expand on this conspiracy theory accusation your continuously throw around with some proof:

Please state which crisis were started under National? They all seem to have started under Labour?

Which ministries are being defunded? - name the organisation with funding figures over the past 5 years so we can see a trend.
Please expand on this conspiracy theory accusation your continuously throw around with some proof:

Please state which crisis were started under National? They all seem to have started under Labour?

Which ministries are being defunded? - name the organisation with funding figures over the past 5 years so we can see a trend.
Maybe check out what juju last posted
How embarrassing for our forum echo chamber....

EXACTLY what Maybetop8 has been saying in this thread & being relentlessly bullied by this forum for is the agenda.

Underfund public services, run them down and then use that as an excuse to sell to your mates. Neoliberalism 101.

I wish I could say I was psychic but....this is the neoliberalism right. This is what they do. What they've done here. All think tank driven. All designed to extract wealth for the few at the expense of us all. Of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.
How embarrassing for our forum echo chamber....

EXACTLY what Maybetop8 has been saying in this thread & being relentlessly bullied by this forum for is the agenda.

Underfund public services, run them down and then use that as an excuse to sell to your mates. Neoliberalism 101.

What pisses me off is how the opposition will use the same speech as the previous opposition... just the names are changed.

John Key went into the 2008 Election saying how the anti-asset sales Labour government sold houses.

Go forward to the 2017 Election and Labour were pointing to the number of houses nation sold during the housing crisis. Yet, KO sold over $80,000,000 worth of houses under Ardern and Hipkins until the last election.

And now, Labour are pointing out that Luxon is selling of assets (state houses) when he said there wouldn't be any asset sales.

The simple fact is that a lot of the time, no matter who is the government, state houses reach the end of their economic life when it becomes too expensive to maintain them or upgrade them to the latest standards, or the houses are sold/donated to Iwi or social housing providers, or the land is considered too valuable for KO to develop.

The simple fact is, "no asset sales" is an extremely open ended phrase and the meaning of it changes depending on who is talking about it. But, it's "poli speak".... Luxon says the government will not sell assets this term but over 20 state houses have already been sold. If the old interislander ferries were about to be replaced next week, it could be said the government has "sold assets" when the old ferries were either sold to another ferry operator or sold for scrap. Old machinery or computer systems or over ordered product is "sold" could be counted as "selling assets". It all depends on how a person defines an asset sale.

And, when this current government's turn is over, as sure as night follows day, the Nats or ACT or NZF will accuse the new Labour led government which campaigned against asset sells of breaking an election promise because of the sale of some asset.

Oh, and before I get accused of defending the current government, or being a neo-lib, or living in an echo chamber.... if I go back far enough, I'll find where I had this same discussion with inruin or someone else about whether the Labour government was breaking an election promise selling houses when it said there wouldn't be any "asset sales".

Same play (asset sales), same script (sound bites for the media) just the actors (polis) have reversed their roles... and we, the audience, are left to decide whether or not selling houses constitutes an asset sale... and our interpretation will most likely be led by our political leanings.

EDIT: I should copy and paste this post and link into a word doc so, when the actors reverse their roles and the government changes, it would save me re-typing this as an answer to one of the right wing brigade here. ;)
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What pisses me off is how the opposition will use the same speech as the previous opposition... just the names are changed.

John Key went into the 2008 Election saying how the anti-asset sales Labour government sold houses.

Go forward to the 2017 Election and Labour were pointing to the number of houses nation sold during the housing crisis. Yet, KO sold over $80,000,000 worth of houses under Ardern and Hipkins until the last election.

And now, Labour are pointing out that Luxon is selling of assets (state houses) when he said there wouldn't be any asset sales.

The simple fact is that a lot of the time, no matter who is the government, state houses reach the end of their economic life when it becomes too expensive to maintain them or upgrade them to the latest standards, or the houses are sold/donated to Iwi or social housing providers, or the land is considered too valuable for KO to develop.

The simple fact is, "no asset sales" is an extremely open ended phrase and the meaning of it changes depending on who is talking about it. But, it's "poli speak".... Luxon says the government will not sell assets this term but over 20 state houses have already been sold. If the old interislander ferries were about to be replaced next week, it could be said the government has "sold assets" when the old ferries were either sold to another ferry operator or sold for scrap. Old machinery or computer systems or over ordered product is "sold" could be counted as "selling assets". It all depends on how a person defines an asset sale.

And, when this current government's turn is over, as sure as night follows day, the Nats or ACT or NZF will accuse the new Labour led government which campaigned against asset sells of breaking an election promise because of the sale of some asset.

Oh, and before I get accused of defending the current government, or being a neo-lib, or living in an echo chamber.... if I go back far enough, I'll find where I had this same discussion with inruin or someone else about whether the Labour government was breaking an election promise selling houses when it said there wouldn't be any "asset sales".

Same play (asset sales), same script (sound bites for the media) just the actors (polis) have reversed their roles... and we, the audience, are left to decide whether or not selling houses constitutes an asset sale... and our interpretation will most likely be led by our political leanings.

EDIT: I should copy and paste this post and link into a word doc so, when the actors reverse their roles and the government changes, it would safe me re-typing this as an answer to one of the right wing brigade here. ;)
The start of wholesale Neoliberalism was enacted by Labour here / so not really a labour national thing/

It's just amusing for all the bullying of Maybe Top 8 - exactly what he said was happening is happening.
And he get's a hysterical response to his posts.

Look at Seymour's speech - look at Luxon's stance all of a sudden softening towards it. Text book.
And it's not to benefit the average voter at all.
I wish I could say I was psychic but....this is the neoliberalism right. This is what they do. What they've done here. All think tank driven. All designed to extract wealth for the few at the expense of us all. Of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.
Next they will accuse you of being a conspiracy theorist for raising think tanks... ignoring that's at the heart of this movement (especially Act)
The current government appears to fundamentally misunderstand how government financing and debt work, treating surpluses as a silver bullet for economic growth, when, in reality, the opposite is often true. A government surplus means a deficit in the private sector, forcing households and businesses to borrow more to make up the shortfall. This often reduces economic growth and is especially counterproductive during a recession, when the private sector is already struggling.
Remember: a government deficit is a private sector asset. This is rooted in the concept of sectoral balances, which show that the governmentā€™s financial position is inherently linked to the private sectorā€™s. When the government runs a surplus, the private sector must run a deficit, and vice versa.
In New Zealand, where private sector debt (mostly housing debt which is closely linked to SME business debt) is already a significant issue. Surplus targeting risks making matters worse. By draining financial resources from the private sector, the government leaves households and businesses more reliant on borrowing, creating the conditions for private debt bubbles and further economic instability
All very good points. So I would expand:

A govt surplus taxes more tax than services spent back into the economy so has a slowing effect.

A govt deficit pumps more money into the economy and has a growth effect.

Given 2020/ 21 we had a booming economy, was it right to run record govt deficits? Didnā€™t this inflate the economy and lead to inflation? And what productive assets did we gain?

We are in recession now and despite trimming govt spending (or reallocating as the govt spend hasnā€™t actually decreased just not grown) weā€™re actually still running a huge deficit. Is this true? And isnā€™t this the right action to stoke the economy at this time? What does the govt not understand?

We have a plan to return to surplus in years and years time. Isnā€™t a plan to return to surplus in the future indicative that we will have a thriving economy and isnā€™t that a good aim?

Fundamentally, is it good to run endless deficits? While as a sovereign nation we canā€™t really go bankrupt, other countries can still lose confidence in us effectively resulting in the same thing.

Agree on the borrowing/ deficits needing to be in ā€˜goodā€™ investments.
What pisses me off is how the opposition will use the same speech as the previous opposition... just the names are changed.

John Key went into the 2008 Election saying how the anti-asset sales Labour government sold houses.

Go forward to the 2017 Election and Labour were pointing to the number of houses nation sold during the housing crisis. Yet, KO sold over $80,000,000 worth of houses under Ardern and Hipkins until the last election.

And now, Labour are pointing out that Luxon is selling of assets (state houses) when he said there wouldn't be any asset sales.

The simple fact is that a lot of the time, no matter who is the government, state houses reach the end of their economic life when it becomes too expensive to maintain them or upgrade them to the latest standards, or the houses are sold/donated to Iwi or social housing providers, or the land is considered too valuable for KO to develop.

The simple fact is, "no asset sales" is an extremely open ended phrase and the meaning of it changes depending on who is talking about it. But, it's "poli speak".... Luxon says the government will not sell assets this term but over 20 state houses have already been sold. If the old interislander ferries were about to be replaced next week, it could be said the government has "sold assets" when the old ferries were either sold to another ferry operator or sold for scrap. Old machinery or computer systems or over ordered product is "sold" could be counted as "selling assets". It all depends on how a person defines an asset sale.

And, when this current government's turn is over, as sure as night follows day, the Nats or ACT or NZF will accuse the new Labour led government which campaigned against asset sells of breaking an election promise because of the sale of some asset.

Oh, and before I get accused of defending the current government, or being a neo-lib, or living in an echo chamber.... if I go back far enough, I'll find where I had this same discussion with inruin or someone else about whether the Labour government was breaking an election promise selling houses when it said there wouldn't be any "asset sales".

Same play (asset sales), same script (sound bites for the media) just the actors (polis) have reversed their roles... and we, the audience, are left to decide whether or not selling houses constitutes an asset sale... and our interpretation will most likely be led by our political leanings.

EDIT: I should copy and paste this post and link into a word doc so, when the actors reverse their roles and the government changes, it would safe me re-typing this as an answer to one of the right wing brigade here. ;)
yeah we had a discussion around State housing sales where both parties sold them. The conversation by politicians should have been around manageable stock levels. spend and replacing old ones with new. I mean it makes sense to sell high value single houses and replace with multiple new homes.

As for asset sales in general, where it makes sense we should be doing that. Points you have made make sense. We aren't going to see any asset sales this term (major ones outside of what you have already mentioned) and I don't think we will see much if any next term either. I see John Key has just come out saying it isn't something worth doing and there are other things that we can do to drive economic growth.

I also don't see how running down something like health or education puts the Government in a good place to get re-elected and able to implement asset sales, if that's what they are trying to do.

Time will tell.
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