Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Bro, the debate and vote happened before the Haka, be embarrassed by cunts doing a haka for athletes who finish 8th at sporting events. ACT brought this bill with no input from Maori and are white washing the Maori translation of the Treaty.
That Haka in Parliament was one or the greatest I've seen.
Could be 50K people when they converge in Welly next week, bigger than the mandate protests. They don't seem to be all TPM supporters either. It all looked a bit manufactured at first but it's gaining it's own momemtum. Should be an eventful week, hope it doesn't turn violent.
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Could be 50K people when they converge in Wellington next week, bigger than the mandate protests. They don't all seem to be TPM supporters either.
My pakeha/european missus wanted us to go to Rotorua and join the Hikoi but business came first (trying to stop crack heads pissin in the doorway and all that). Neither of us will ever vote TPM but what ACT are trying to do with this bill isn't right
Bad look to have a person killed riding on public transport amongst many more reported
Calls for the socialist/ lefty policy of AT to stop free fares and its free fare policy to reduce violence.

Currently 3% of fares are free/ unpaid.

This attracts unstable or intoxicated individuals to use the bus as a free ride or shelter. Antisocial fare-dodgers discourage Aucklanders from using public transport. They deprive AT of revenue and load costs on to rule-abiding ratepayers. They are threatening, stealing from and assaulting bus drivers and passengers.

We had the same situations happening in Tauranga when they trialled free fares and they ended up reversing the policy.

More evidence being kind doesn’t work?
Calls for the socialist/ lefty policy of AT to stop free fares and its free fare policy to reduce violence.

Currently 3% of fares are free/ unpaid.

This attracts unstable or intoxicated individuals to use the bus as a free ride or shelter. Antisocial fare-dodgers discourage Aucklanders from using public transport. They deprive AT of revenue and load costs on to rule-abiding ratepayers. They are threatening, stealing from and assaulting bus drivers and passengers.

We had the same situations happening in Tauranga when they trialled free fares and they ended up reversing the policy.

More evidence being kind doesn’t work?
It isn't socialist/left, the drivers are literally just trying not to incite aggressive responses to people trying to get a free ride.
I have used public transport during these exact types of situations and the drivers are threatened with violence unless someone steps in, or they concede and let them board.

How is just getting rid of this 'policy' going to change anything? People are going to try, drivers are still going to say no, and the same people will likely get violent regardless?
It isn't socialist/left, the drivers are literally just trying not to incite aggressive responses to people trying to get a free ride.
I have used public transport during these exact types of situations and the drivers are threatened with violence unless someone steps in, or they concede and let them board.

How is just getting rid of this 'policy' going to change anything? People are going to try, drivers are still going to say no, and the same people will likely get violent regardless?
Need big bus security guards with a fucking big baton and a warrant to bash trouble makers. When said troublemakers are caught, straight to jail for a year or two.
It isn't socialist/left, the drivers are literally just trying not to incite aggressive responses to people trying to get a free ride.
I have used public transport during these exact types of situations and the drivers are threatened with violence unless someone steps in, or they concede and let them board.

How is just getting rid of this 'policy' going to change anything? People are going to try, drivers are still going to say no, and the same people will likely get violent regardless?
As Dean said, actually enforce it and break the habit. 3% getting on for free. That’s 1-2 people per bus getting on free 🤯

There is a policy to allow people on if they complain enough - so it encourages people to complain…

When people know they can get it for free it creates entitlement and the violence is from people expecting it free as a right.

Instead of wishy washy ‘policing by consent’ type enforcement, resource enforcing the rules. When your to kind people take advantage.
As Dean said, actually enforce it and break the habit. 3% getting on for free. That’s 1-2 people per bus getting on free 🤯

There is a policy to allow people on if they complain enough - so it encourages people to complain…

When people know they can get it for free it creates entitlement and the violence is from people expecting it free as a right.

Instead of wishy washy ‘policing by consent’ type enforcement, resource enforcing the rules. When your to kind people take advantage.
I agree with Dean on that part.
A lot easier to refuse for the drivers if they have back up, I don't disparage them for just trying not to get bashed at work and letting them on now though.

I noticed the drivers in Melbourne had much better protection on their buses, essentially big security cages, did not seem to get messed with at all.
I noticed the drivers in Melbourne had much better protection on their buses, essentially big security cages, did not seem to get messed with at all.
Similar in Adelaide. Security got on and off buses and trains. Commuters didn't know when they would be on but it was quite often. Signs up warning what the consequences were as well. Thing that stood out was people were polite and respectful and even teenagers said, ' thankyou driver' when getting off.
I agree with Dean on that part.
A lot easier to refuse for the drivers if they have back up, I don't disparage them for just trying not to get bashed at work and letting them on now though.

I noticed the drivers in Melbourne had much better protection on their buses, essentially big security cages, did not seem to get messed with at all.
It’s the same as the kids ramraiding and posting on tic tok when they knew the police weren’t touching them and after being caught they were doing it again the next week.

Police get some teeth and youth ram raids have all died down now.
Now that everyone hates the Jews again I've decided to identify as a Maori Scotsman, this shape-shifting comes in handy.
Mate, my mother just had a dna test done and the sliver of Jewish we were supposed to have is absent. Evidently a father was replaced by a milkman or something a few generations ago 🤯

I’ve got an identity crisis now mate, with me questioning my whole background. I think I’m supposed to be pro Palestine now and not talk to you anymore…

BUT luckily my Scottish lineage is stronger than we thought (a Scottish milkman?) so we can still bond over haggis, kilts and the shared oppression from the English.
Mate, my mother just had a dna test done and the sliver of Jewish we were supposed to have is absent. Evidently a father was replaced by a milkman or something a few generations ago 🤯

I’ve got an identity crisis now mate, with me questioning my whole background. I think I’m supposed to be pro Palestine now and not talk to you anymore…

BUT luckily my Scottish lineage is stronger than we thought (a Scottish milkman?) so we can still bond over haggis, kilts and the shared oppression from the English.
That's the spirit, fellow Jock, from the loch to the sea Scotland shall be free of Poms.

Nah I'm just a proud Kiwi really, I'll be here till I die or move to aussie.
Mate, my mother just had a dna test done and the sliver of Jewish we were supposed to have is absent. Evidently a father was replaced by a milkman or something a few generations ago 🤯

I’ve got an identity crisis now mate, with me questioning my whole background. I think I’m supposed to be pro Palestine now and not talk to you anymore…

BUT luckily my Scottish lineage is stronger than we thought (a Scottish milkman?) so we can still bond over haggis, kilts and the shared oppression from the English.
What about your dad's side of the DNA?
Funnily enough my grandad was a Scottish milkman
Wait a minute... where were you born?
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What about your dad's side of the DNA?
Funnily enough my grandad was a Scottish milkman
Wait a minute... where were you born?
I’m a kiwi with both sides of the family in NZ for 100+ years.

Big part Scottish, tracing back to the Waipu immigration. Even have a town named after me back there that I will go back and claim one day when the Maori tell me low it’s done 🤣

But overall i seem to be a citizen of the world - I think everyone is if you got back long enough. Chunks of Indian, Nigerian, Russian, European, etc. One strand was even a slave working on a plantation.
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