Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

And that income isnt enough to provide running water. Subsistence farming/hunting isn't the idealistic existence Marx made it out to be.
It’s a developing country, so has some challenges but is apparently the 47th largest economy in the world. Also has a high crime rate and a lot of poverty still


And large scale projects like this is how you go from developing to developed and fund state services properly.
The 47th largest economy would surely be able to provide some of the infrastructure or development that’s lacking, like the lack of running water you referenced? The displeasure coming from those that have lost or are losing their livelihood as far as fisheries goes over there don’t seem like they are confident that their government has done this with them or their livelihoods in mind
Listening to Chris Findlayson on the news and hearing Luxon during the week, it gives me the impression that national are trying to paint Seymour in as negative light as they can. Findlayson congratulated Seymour on the negative light that the haka in parliament has shone on NZ and held Seymour responsible for it in his pursuit of a treaty bill. Luxon has made comments during the week on Seymour chasing this bill as being simplistic. It could make the second part of the term very tricky if Seymour and Luxon are at odds, with Seymour yet to be deputy pm
Would we have had this under First past the post? Nope.

It gives a platform for minorities including the ones we don’t like. Extremism and prioritising small issue ls get what they need. Same as the extreme policies under the Greens and Maori party last term that assisted in getting Labour voted out.

Again, unless NZ First and Act go hard appealing to their core group on issues National won’t touch, they will get consumed by National being National lite.

They must do this to survive or they won’t return next election, as NZ First experienced while with Labour.

Don’t blame ACT for being up the hard issues or the Maori Party for putting on a show on parliament, blame the system that encourages extreme views.
Just look at NZ, a first world country and the unsealed roads and lack of development up in Northland.

Would moving the port up Whangarei boost the wealth of the area?
Not sure if they have councils like us but unfortunate for Northland that development is tossed between local government and central government. Many have talked about shifting the port on there like Winston, but it’s never got off the ground. Think there would need to be discussions with all involved to see if it’s feasible and lucrative for the majority
The 47th largest economy would surely be able to provide some of the infrastructure or development that’s lacking, like the lack of running water you referenced? The displeasure coming from those that have lost or are losing their livelihood as far as fisheries goes over there don’t seem like they are confident that their government has done this with them or their livelihoods in mind
Im neither here nor there about it. But development is not automatically bad. These people dont have running water ffs. Plumbing and sewerage radically improve peoples lives. I just think its western arrogance to get up, have a hot shower and breakfast and then bemoan poor people trying to enjoy the same standards that you do.
Not sure if they have councils like us but unfortunate for Northland that development is tossed between local government and central government. Many have talked about shifting the port on there like Winston, but it’s never got off the ground. Think there would need to be discussions with all involved to see if it’s feasible and lucrative for the majority
Northland Port is not feasible at present due to the lack of space
Lots of dredging would need to be done to make it work.
Then you have to get consent for that
Poll released during the period the treaty bill was introduced:

National increased by 3.9 points to 38.8%. Labour up 1.8%

Act was down 1.2 points to 8.5% and Te Pāti Māori was down 0.5 points to 2.5%.

Interesting that support for Act and the Māori party decreased and people are going back to the major parties. Shows where the issue really sits with middle New Zealand.

A side show for the fringe parties..
I don't think it is a sideshow.
I've talked to a number of people about where they stand, both Maori and Pakeha and not many have any idea what the issue is.
Luxon is kicking the can down the road, he knows Seymour has raised a serious issue that needs to be addressed but he will not risk political capital doing it.
Maori and Pakeha and not many have any idea what the issue is.
It’s a dead end policy, canned already by National. The Maori party would do the cause more good by not even mentioning it and giving it attention. The fact they are, is simply for political purposes and to make the issue relevant, to make themselves relevant.

I don't think it is a sideshow
The haka in parliament definitely was. Pre planned civil disobedience in a totally inappropriate setting designed to make the news. The fact they got kicked out of parliament was a bonus and will get them credibility with their followers.

Is the whole cause a side show? I think it’s an important issue for those involved but being used as a political football and hyping up something that’s a relative non issue (already canned after first reading).

If you can stir up enough anger and make it us and them you have made yourself a platform (for both TPM and Act). Divisive. But we’ll have seen it with farmers vs city; renters vs landlords; business vs employees; rich vs poor; etc. Just more modern politics of division.

Ultimately for Maori the real game changers are education and a better inclusive economy.
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It’s a dead end policy, canned already by National. The Maori party would do the cause more good by not even mentioning it and giving it attention. The fact they are, is simply for political purposes and to make the issue relevant, to make themselves relevant.

The haka in parliament definitely was. Pre planned civil disobedience in a totally inappropriate setting designed to make the news. The fact they got kicked out of parliament was a bonus and will get them credibility with their followers.

Is the whole cause a side show? I think it’s an important issue for those involved but being used as a political football and hyping up something that’s a relative non issue (already canned after first reading).

If you can stir up enough anger and make it us and them you have made yourself a platform (for both TPM and Act). Divisive. But we’ll have seen it with farmers vs city; renters vs landlords; business vs employees; rich vs poor; etc. Just more modern politics of division.

Ultimately for Maori the real game changers are education and a better inclusive economy.
TMP main thrust is sovereignty and any Govt that wants to establish a way forward that eliminates this is in for a fight. That is the threat, it stands in the way of their objective. The hakas, the hikois and everything else is a sideshow. People in NZ should be more informed about the real issue.
Listening to Chris Findlayson on the news and hearing Luxon during the week, it gives me the impression that national are trying to paint Seymour in as negative light as they can. Findlayson congratulated Seymour on the negative light that the haka in parliament has shone on NZ and held Seymour responsible for it in his pursuit of a treaty bill. Luxon has made comments during the week on Seymour chasing this bill as being simplistic. It could make the second part of the term very tricky if Seymour and Luxon are at odds, with Seymour yet to be deputy pm
Act are giving National the shits big time. Much happier with NZ First.
Act are giving National the shits big time. Much happier with NZ First.
Peters and Luxon seem to be working well together and very much aligned with most things, in particular foreign trade. I think Seymour's Treaty bill would have been best left to a second term issue, if they got one, and focused on the core issues.
TMP main thrust is sovereignty
They have many thrusts. I’ve heard many things.

Sovereignty; 50/50 partnership as co governance; a seperate parliament; the return of all lands.

It’s a mixed bag and they all mean different things and are dreams without details of how it would work.

When you put it to Maori (or left leaning people) they can’t articulate the vision for 50 years time for how they envision it for their great grand children where one may identify as Maori and one may see themselves as essentially pakeha. Until you can do that it’s a pointless waste of time.

Any lefties want to share their vision for 50 years time?
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