JFC christ @MaybeTop8 do you even read past the headline? That report is from a group called Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP). Lets have a little look into them shall we, as you love to check peoples politics.There is no justification, no case, no rationale, no moral high ground to raise the speed limit. There is only an ideological culture war conducted by this government at the expense of us all.
There will be more deaths as a result of this flawed and dangerous policy
Experts warn against speed limit increases
The government has been warned its plan to raise speed limits will injure and kill more motorists on New Zealand roads. A group of nearly 100 academics, road safety experts and health professionals have endorsed an open letter to the Transport Minister and Prime Minister Christopher Luxon -...www.rnz.co.nz
Well they are working on the Bloomberg Iniative (who is this Bloomberg fellow? Not a neoliberal capitalist I hope).. And lets check their sponsors and members... Ohh my..