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Does this sound plausible being that the person in question was once a member of that party? These findings are obviously from the royal commission
perhaps it’s true,
it’s more likely just lip service.

either way, calling for a full investigation and “urging victims to come forward” is probably about the best anyone can realistically expect from any prime minister, i would think.
perhaps it’s true,
it’s more likely just lip service.

either way, calling for a full investigation and “urging victims to come forward” is probably about the best anyone can realistically expect from any prime minister, i would think.
Certainly comes across as lip service since there have been complaints against the person for many years and the national party claims to have never heard anything about it. Really hope this doesn’t get swept under a rug as I’m sure many taxpayers would rather see this investigated rather than an apparently dead treaty bill first reading
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Certainly comes across as lip service since there have been complaints against the person for many years and the national party claims to have never heard anything about it. Really hope this doesn’t get swept under a rug as I’m sure many taxpayers would rather see this investigated rather than an apparently dead treaty bill first reading
a sad indictment on us all as NZers but i’d wager plenty will be more interested in the latter.
a sad indictment on us all as NZers but i’d wager plenty will be more interested in the latter.
When Australia had a similar enquiry in 2015, Bill Heffernan said in Parliament there was a list of 28 prominent Aussies under police investigation for sex abuse, including a former PM. Can't remember if anyone was ever prosecuted, and Bill turned out to be a Roy Cohn style blackmailer and fraudster I think, so who knows if it was a cover up.
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Certainly comes across as lip service since there have been complaints against the person for many years and the national party claims to have never heard anything about it. Really hope this doesn’t get swept under a rug as I’m sure many taxpayers would rather see this investigated rather than an apparently dead treaty bill first reading
It's not really believable is it?
The PR spin answer is following que but only the blind faithful would believe it. Rumours abound in politics and this would have been one of them.
It's not really believable is it?
The PR spin answer is following que but only the blind faithful would believe it. Rumours abound in politics and this would have been one of them.

The media is running articles on this guy every day at the moment. I personally don’t believe national’s claim this is the first they’d heard of this, but they certainly have now. This deserves a full and transparent enquiry to uncover how deep this cover up goes and how wide scale those were who knew or were participants
ah yes. the old feeding social media outrage only to be outed by the (probably) minimum wage supermarket worker you tried to take to task for clout.

as an ex-mayor he should know and do better.

***issue is unrelated to any flags, wars, protests, genocides, etc. just a dude caught out being a cock.
Latest polls out and after a year, despite all the outrage and dire economic conditions, the govt is more popular than election night.

The lefties and the out of touch media need to wake up that voters don’t care about gold plated ferries or smokers killings themselves. We’ve got a govt that’s prioritising health, education, equality and money in our own pockets rather than the govt and a govt that’s getting what they campaigned on done.

9 year term incoming.
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ah yes. the old feeding social media outrage only to be outed by the (probably) minimum wage supermarket worker you tried to take to task for clout.

as an ex-mayor he should know and do better.

***issue is unrelated to any flags, wars, protests, genocides, etc. just a dude caught out being a cock.
He's a Warriors fan.
Latest polls out and after a year, despite all the outrage and dire economic conditions, the govt is more popular than election night.

The lefties and the out of touch media need to wake up that voters don’t care about gold plated ferries or smokers killings themselves. We’ve got a govt that’s prioritising health, education, equality and money in our own pockets rather than the govt and a govt that’s getting what they campaigned on done.

9 year term incoming.
Mate, Labour is on it's way back.... it's risen 0.8% in this poll while the Nats have only risen at the expense of NZF and ACT. Anyway, it's a poll undertaken by ACT's lacky, the taxpayers union.

But the best part of the results is in the preferred PM section where Seymour can't get above former PM (and no longer in Parliament) one Jacinda Ardern.
Latest polls out and after a year, despite all the outrage and dire economic conditions, the govt is more popular than election night.

The lefties and the out of touch media need to wake up that voters don’t care about gold plated ferries or smokers killings themselves. We’ve got a govt that’s prioritising health, education, equality and money in our own pockets rather than the govt and a govt that’s getting what they campaigned on done.

9 year term incoming.
Look at this guy getting all excited about the out of control increase in violent and sexual assaults under his government.
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Look at this guy getting all excited about the out of control increase in violent and sexual assaults under his government.
Mate I think that’s people individually choosing to do that not the govt? How has the govt promoted sexual assault???

Isn’t it like Labours excuse that people are just prepared to report it more with a govt that cares about crime and will deliver consequences?

Probably caused by the stress from the ongoing economic issues bought on by the economic mismanagement from your govt 😉
Mate, Labour is on it's way back.... it's risen 0.8% in this poll while the Nats have only risen at the expense of NZF and ACT. Anyway, it's a poll undertaken by ACT's lacky, the taxpayers union.

But the best part of the results is in the preferred PM section where Seymour can't get above former PM (and no longer in Parliament) one Jacinda Ardern.
Hey, I don’t get concerned about polls and not this one particularly either.

But it’s clear after a year the world isn’t falling on our heads like the constant negativity from the media would suggest; the govt hasn’t lost much if any support and the lefts negative tactics aren’t popular or vote winning.
Mate, Labour is on it's way back.... it's risen 0.8% in this poll while the Nats have only risen at the expense of NZF and ACT. Anyway, it's a poll undertaken by ACT's lacky, the taxpayers union.

But the best part of the results is in the preferred PM section where Seymour can't get above former PM (and no longer in Parliament) one Jacinda Ardern.
Chris Hipkins clearly needs to be moved on - nearly everyone it seems has settled on the reality that he’s nothing more than a whiny, back-peddling, stands-for-nothing dip shit. Probably pointless replacing him now, however would be interesting to see how Labour poll when he’s eventually removed kicking & screaming from the building. But currently there’s still a significant gap between the coalition & the rest - agree on the source being right of centre, however given the economic conditions are about as bad as they could get right now, and will improve, it’s a pretty good result for the incumbents.
Chris Hipkins clearly needs to be moved on - nearly everyone it seems has settled on the reality that he’s nothing more than a whiny, back-peddling, stands-for-nothing dip shit. Probably pointless replacing him now, however would be interesting to see how Labour poll when he’s eventually removed kicking & screaming from the building. But currently there’s still a significant gap between the coalition & the rest - agree on the source being right of centre, however given the economic conditions are about as bad as they could get right now, and will improve, it’s a pretty good result for the incumbents.
I actually like Chippy. Smart, quick thinking and likeable. But he’s yesterdays leader.

If Labours smart they will repeat an Ardern and put someone in a couple of months before the election with a big positive campaign and not enough time for their weaknesses to be explored.

It would be suicide to swap leaders this early and taint them before the election so we get a turnover of leaders like National and Labour in opposition. Opposition is negative and bad for building a profile.
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