Politics đź—łď¸Ź NZ Politics

@wizard of Tauranga while I’ve cut only a few phrases from your well thought out post the comment re the Union is misinformation.

The Union if I understand them correctly are not against change but are arguing that they can’t do what is required of them if they’re under resourced.

If you are teaching a class of 30+ how do you have the time to spend time on those who are struggling to pick things up.

I would be interested to know whether there is any correlation between increasing class sizes and falling learning rates
in my 40+ years of observing NZ and Aus educational models, the Unions are either incompetent or impotent..


Here are NZ's PISA test results, over time. With an globally competitive employment market, NZ children need better educational outcomes.

Look at the Maths graph. NZ used to be significantly outperforming the OECD average. After 2010 we decline, and by 2012 we are the same as the rest of the OECD. Not great.

The trend for all three areas is declining, which is bad in itself. What is worse is that the gap between NZ and the OECD is getting smaller (or disappearing, for Maths).

This isn't a left vs right problem. This is a crisis that needs an enduring solution that outlasts whoever is in government

View attachment 8484

For comparison, here is Hong Kong (which has similar results to Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea etc):
View attachment 8486
Just like sports, this is a results based system.

All the platitudes and good intentions mean fuck all its nots shown in the results. And @MaybeTop8 if the left could actually achieve what it says it wants to with education, then the right wouldn't have room to push charter schools.
Act. Privatisation Agenda. This government. Privatisation Agenda. Neoliberalism. Privatisation Agenda.

Nz for sale, all of us will lose. Shame on them.

View attachment 8495
Only one real problem with that.... both National and Labour have both stated they wouldn't privatise the health system meaning that ACT (and possibly a coalition with them and NZF) are the only way a privatised health system would every get government support... and if those two were every to be in government either by themselves or a coalition not involving one of either National or Labour, I'm on the first plane over to Oz!!!
Only one real problem with that.... both National and Labour have both stated they wouldn't privatise the health system meaning that ACT (and possibly a coalition with them and NZF) are the only way a privatised health system would every get government support... and if those two were every to be in government either by themselves or a coalition not involving one of either National or Labour, I'm on the first plane over to Oz!!!
I'm certain National will find a way Mike, but you know me by now :)
Only one real problem with that.... both National and Labour have both stated they wouldn't privatise the health system meaning that ACT (and possibly a coalition with them and NZF) are the only way a privatised health system would every get government support... and if those two were every to be in government either by themselves or a coalition not involving one of either National or Labour, I'm on the first plane over to Oz!!!
Further evidence of the two minor parties being pandered to by the major party national though
Really seems like a major maritime disaster ready to happen. Could be a real mistake not to continue with what was already planned
Living the life of Riley in London at the moment and couldn't help myself replying. Thank God I'm a boomer otherwise I'd never be able to afford this lifestyle.

In the interests of all the Neo Libs out there, the whole ferry thing would be instantly fixed by selling the lot to Bluebridge for $1 on the condition all the crews were dismissed and replaced by those sailing under a flag of convenience. Win Win for our immigration problems and would also ensure a trouble free service.

Off to Ascot Saturday, let you know how it goes and Up the Wahs.
I’m not so confident being that he’s the national party’s most successful fundraiser and his company was a sponsor at last week’s national agm
Oh. Well that is awkward. I have no problems with the party receiving his money, but not so much as a candidate
Not much going for him except he is a National voter.
Women don't rank very high in his culture sadly.
He’s a bit more than just a national voter, but I’m picking the media will keep digging and wouldn’t be surprised to see more to come. Really have to wonder about the vetting from the national party to not have picked up what the article is about with the situation in the system

Hard to believe anyone who should know was blindsided by this. Although the matter was offshore, surely it wouldn’t be hard to find all they need to know regarding the persons character. Particularly any legal matters surrounding the person
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